
  1. 美食对中国人来说是很重要的。

    Good food is really important to Chinese !

  2. 对于贪吃的人来说,没有任何地方的美食比中国餐更诱人了&在中国品尝美味就像在享受人生一样。

    For people like eating , nowhere is food more delicious than in China – having delicious food there is like enjoying a wonderful life .

  3. 时下,在有“韩国街”之称的上海虹泉路边,韩式烧烤店和柠檬汁铺已经成了急于尝试正宗韩式美食的中国女人们的新宠。

    Barbecue houses and lemonade booths along Hongquan Road in Shanghai 's Korean area have become new favorites for Chinese women hungry for a genuine taste of Korea .

  4. 这句话当然是针对热爱美食的中国人来说的,最近有调查数据显示,中国人在餐饮方面的开销正在不断增加。

    It 's a saying that certainly applies to the Chinese , at least in the culinary sense , as recent figures show that people are spending more money on dining out .

  5. 因此,他们制定了一个风格的中式美食没有发现中国。

    As a result , they developed a style of Chinese food not found in China .

  6. 好望角公司多年来致力于将欧洲美食风情引入中国,汇集了西班牙风情美食、意大利比萨、法国红酒、西餐及欧式特色饮品等风味美食。

    Cape of Good Hope has introduced typical European food into China , and gathered many kinds of styles like Italy pizza , French wine , etc.