
měi shù shǐ
  • art history;history of fine arts
  1. “写实”被引入到中国来,在中国美术史上产生了历史回响。

    Thus " Realism " WT was introduced to China and exerted great effects on the Chinese history of fine arts .

  2. 写实主义绘画,尤其是西方写实主义绘画,曾经是人类美术史上最为辉煌的篇章之一。

    The realistic painting in the Western country is one of the most splendid chapters in the history of fine arts .

  3. 面向2l世纪的教学和研究,美术史系提出了“保持优势、拓宽学科、改善环境、增进交流”的办系方计。

    For the teaching and research in the21st century , the department has raised the guideline of'maintaining advantages , widening subjects , improving environment and enhancing exchanges ' .

  4. 桑德罗•波提切利(SandroBotticelli),意大利早期文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨画派的代表,也是西方美术史上最伟大的画家之一。

    Botticelli was a representative of the Florentine School of the Early Renaissance in Italy and is today considered to be among the greatest painters of Western art history .

  5. 中国美术史上的粟特画派

    The SU TE Painting School in the History of Chinese Art

  6. 中外美术史课程比较教学方法的研究

    Study on Comparative Pedagogy of Chinese and Foreign Art History Course

  7. 朝鲜时代也成为了韩国美术史发展的高峰时期。

    In this period , Korean art has also achieved its summit .

  8. 关于中国美术史教学改革的思考

    Thoughts on the Teaching Reform of Chinese Fine Art History

  9. 威廉-透纳在美术史上是一位重要的画家。

    William Turner is an important artist in the history of art .

  10. 并且在中国工艺美术史上占据着不可替代的作用。

    And in the Chinese craft art history occupies an irreplaceable role .

  11. 西方美术史中人文内涵的变迁

    Changes in the Humanism Connotation of Western Arts History

  12. 西方美术史中的摄影与绘画

    Photography and Painting in the History of Western Art

  13. 威廉目前主修美术史,不过正考虑改修地理。

    William is majoring in art history but considering a switch to geography .

  14. 我明天有一堂美术史的课。

    I have a lesson in art history tomorrow .

  15. 你们中有人已经上过美术史的课程?

    Have any of you taken Art History before ?

  16. 毕加索:改写20世纪美术史

    Picasso : Rewrote Art History of the 20th Century

  17. 美术史的学习和美术欣赏

    The History of Fine-Art and the Appreciation of Art

  18. 并用简洁的语言来概括西方美术史不同时期线的精神蕴含。

    It summarizes the spirit of lines in different phases of western art history .

  19. 大学美术史教学初探

    On the teaching of the fine arts history

  20. 民国时期史学革命对美术史研究的影响

    Influence of Historiography Revolution on Chinese Fine Arts History Research During the Republic of China

  21. 美术史教学方法新探

    On the Teaching Method of Fine Arts

  22. 从西方美术史的进程论描绘与表达的关系

    A Look at the Relationship between Depiction and Expression in Terms of Western Art History

  23. 本堂课讲授美术史100.

    This is History of Art 100 .

  24. 明清美术史上一颗灿烂明珠&徽州木雕

    Huizhou Woodcarving : a Bright Star in the Art History of Ming and Qing Dynasties

  25. 纵观西方美术史,空间关系历来是画面关系的重点。

    On the whole , the spatial relationship is the key of the western art history .

  26. 浙江美术史简说

    Concise History of Zhejiang Fine Arts

  27. 浅谈美术史教学

    About the Teaching of Art History

  28. 在新中国美术史上,农民画是一个相当独特的艺术品类。

    In new Chinese art history , peasant painting is a unique class of art work .

  29. 普通高等院校《中国美术史》课程教学策略

    Teaching Strategies of the Curriculum China 's Fine Arts History in Ordinary Institute of Higher Education

  30. 对中国风的研究是一次摆脱欧洲中心主义的美术史探索。

    This research of Chinoiserie is an experiment of research of art history deviating from Eurocentrism .