
  • 网络furniture designer
  1. 哥本哈根家具设计师克里斯·利延贝里·豪尔斯特罗姆(ChrisLiljenbergHalstrom)就是采用这种方式,他分析每件家具最可能的使用方式,而不考虑性别。他具有丹麦和瑞典双重国籍。

    Chris Liljenberg Halstrom , a Danish-Swedish furniture designer in Copenhagen , does so by analyzing each piece in terms of how it is likely to be used , without regard to gender .

  2. 中西方建筑师与家具设计师的比较研究

    The Comparison Research of Chinese and Western Architect and Furniture Designer

  3. 自那时起,出现了许多女设计师,包括家具设计师海拉·荣格里斯(HellaJongerius)和书籍设计师伊尔玛·博姆(IrmaBoom)。

    Since then , a number of influential female designers have emerged , including Hella Jongerius in furniture and Irma Boom in books .

  4. 环境设计师,室内建筑师,家具设计师,创意总监。

    Environmental designer , interior architect , furniture design , creation director .

  5. 相反,家具设计师可以获得设计样式的版权。

    By constrast , home furnishings designers can copyright patterns .

  6. 芬兰建筑师和家具设计师,以使用对比的材料而著称。

    Finnish architect and furniture designer noted for his use of contrasting materials .

  7. 世界现代家具设计师100名(二)

    Top 100 World Distinguished Modern Furniture Designers (ⅱ)

  8. 中国家具设计师宣言

    Manifesto of Chinese Furniture Designers

  9. 中国建筑师与家具设计师的分离和狭窄的设计领域两个方面进行了归纳与总结。

    The separation of Chinese architect and furniture designer with narrow design realm two carried on to induce with summary .

  10. 这些家具设计师富有创造性,但是尽量局限在特定的风格和时代特征范围内。

    The furniture designers are creative , but try to keep within the parameters of a given style or period .

  11. “空中花园”是由首饰设计师张小川和家具设计师梁洛文以及世纪亚太家私(佛山)有限公司团队共同合作完成,是一次颇具挑战性的跨界尝试。

    Dream Garden was completed by Xiaochuan Zhang , jewelry designer , Luowen Liang , furniture designer and Century Asia-pacific Furniture Ltd , is a challenging cross-border attempt .

  12. 建筑师们设计的产品更加具有空间感,也更加结构化,他说,这样一种概括,可能会引来家具设计师与工业设计师的争议。

    There are more spatial and structural aspects to products designed by architects , he said , in a generalization that furniture and industrial designers might take issue with .

  13. 本文从比较的角度分析了中西方建筑师与家具设计师的差异,对西方建筑师与家具设计师的紧密合作和设计的宽广领域;

    This paper from comparison of the angle analyzed the difference of Chinese and western architect and furniture designer , to the western architect and the furniture close cooperation of the designer and the comprehensiveness realm of the design ;

  14. 深圳市家具协会设计师委员会副主任;

    Deputy Director , Designers Council of ShenZhen Furniture Association ;

  15. 成功的家具非常注重对色彩的研究,家具设计师要充分利用色彩来表达他们的设计,反映时代精神,体现文化的潮流。关键词:色彩;家具设计;

    A successful furniture pays more attention to color , so furniture designer should fully take use of color to express their design , reflect spirit of the age and manifest culture current .