
  1. 有些人找到了职业挑战和家庭稳定之间的平衡。

    Some have found equilibrium between career challenges and family stability .

  2. 家庭稳定对孩子的成长有利。

    A stable family unit is good for the growth of children .

  3. 他稳定的工作使他的家庭稳定。

    His stable job gives stability to his family .

  4. 家事审判程序是以维护家庭稳定为目的的,体现国家对婚姻家庭进行适度干预的一种特殊程序。

    Family procedure has a view to maintain the steadiness of family which is a special procedure reflecting the national moderate intervention .

  5. 网恋成瘾会危害身体健康、产生心理障碍、破坏家庭稳定和导致校园危机。

    It will do harm to health , cause psychological barrier , break family 's stability and lead to crisis on campus .

  6. 而长期反复与不可彻底治愈性又增加了患者的经济负担,极大影响家庭稳定及生活质量。

    And its long-term and incurable impose additional financial burdens on the patients , greatly affect their family stability and living quality .

  7. 文章试图从对下岗失业群体产生的原因着手,分析这一群体对社会治安、家庭稳定、政治稳定三个方面带来的影响及如何从观念和制度层面解决这些影响提出自己的看法。

    This article analyses the causes of the appearance of the groups and their impact on social security , family and social stability .

  8. 目前我国婚姻状况总的是好的,但也存在着直接影响家庭稳定的离婚率不断提高的问题。

    At present the status of wedlock of our country is generally well , but the continuously increased divorce rate still exist which affect the steady of family .

  9. 另外,许多香港居民也担心内地大量年轻女性涌入香港,会对香港的家庭稳定造成冲击。

    Many Hong Kong residents also worry that a large number of young women entering the city would have a negative impact on the stability of Hong Kong families .

  10. 家庭稳定是创建和谐社会的重要内容,作为社会的基本组织单元,家庭兼具私人属性与社会属性,对于社会进步、人类种族的繁衍、延续具有重要影响。

    Family contributes great importance in constructing harmonious society , for it is the basic social unit with both personal and social property and it effects the social development and human evolution .

  11. 但是,她们对爱情的执着,敢于挑战权威的精神值得学习,我们还应该看到她们为维护家庭稳定所做出的贡献。

    However , they are dedicated to the love , dare to challenge the authority . The spirit is worth learning . We should see the contribution they make for maintaining family stability .

  12. 目的:不孕症是妇科的常见病、疑难病,其发病率有上升趋势,会影响到婚姻幸福、家庭稳定及社会和谐等诸多方面,治疗上也比较棘手。

    Objective : Infertility is a common but difficult gynecopathy , and its incidence is widespread . It will affect a happy marriage , family stability and social harmony , and the treatment is also difficult .

  13. 由其带来的各种严峻的社会问题,如对于孕妇身心健康的危害、对于家庭稳定的威胁、对于社会安宁的侵犯等又不容忽视。

    It raised many serious social problems , as the damage to physical and psychological health of pregnant women , the threat to family stability , the infringement to social security , which can not be ignored .

  14. 建立婚内损害赔偿制度,建立更加完备的婚内分割共同财产制度&夫妻非常财产制,从而达到维护婚姻家庭稳定、保护赠与人配偶的权利、实现法律公平公正的目的。

    Compensation system established within marriage , the couple established a very property system to achieve the maintenance of marriage and family stability , protect the rights of the donor spouse , to achieve a fair and impartial legal purposes .

  15. 与好莱坞其他“万人迷”不同,海姆斯沃斯在27岁时就与西班牙女星埃尔莎•帕塔奇喜结连理,而且家庭稳定,还拥有三个可爱的宝宝。

    Unlike other typical Hollywood heartthrobs , Hemsworth has been steadily building a family since he tied the knot with Spanish actress Elsa Pataky at 27 . The couple has now got three adorable kids . What makes him so steamy ?

  16. 容隐制度作为证人特权制度的重要组成部分,既符合人性的需要,顺应人类的情感和伦理道德,也符合维护家庭稳定和社会安定的需要。

    As an integral part of the witness privilege system , the kinship concealment system is a response to human needs that complies with human emotions and ethics , in addition to answering for the need for safeguarding family and social stability .

  17. 威尔科克斯称,教育程度也对人们如何认识和看待婚姻产生了重要影响:越来越多未接受过大学教育的美国女性未婚先孕,导致家庭稳定度下降。

    Education also matters a lot for how people perceive and approach marriage : A growing number of American women without college degrees are having their first child before they get married & leading to less family stability , Mr. Wilcox says .

  18. 瑞典的产假政策制定于1974年。在上世纪70年代,推出这套系统的目的是为鼓励女性加入就业大军,以改变当时女性就业不足的局面。而今这个系统已经逐步演变成为一个确保男女平等和家庭稳定的工具。

    Since being instituted in 1974 , the paternity-leave policy has evolved from being a mechanism to encourage women to join what was a depleted workforce in the 1970s , to serve as a tool for gender equality and home stability today .

  19. 我国老年人人口基数庞大,老龄化进程时间短、来势猛,对社会管理、家庭稳定、医疗发展都产生深远影响。

    The senior citizens in China is a large number of people , and the aging progress is coming intense in a very short period , which has far and deep interaction to the social management , stability of families and development of medical matter .

  20. 但是,现实社会生活中,总是会出现很多违法现象,当然婚姻领域也不例外,这就对婚姻关系、家庭稳定甚至社会伦理道德与正常秩序造成了不利影响。

    However , in the reality of the social life , there always will be a lot of illegal phenomenon . Of course the marriage field is no exception . It causes some adverse impact to the marriage , family stability and even the social ethics and the normal order .

  21. 家庭内稳定的关系对孩子们有益。

    Children benefit from stable relationships within the family unit .

  22. 识字率上升;预期寿命上升;家庭规模稳定。

    Literacy is up ; life expectancy is up ; family size is stabilising .

  23. 家庭的稳定与文明直接影响到社会的稳定与发展。

    Family of stability and civilization direct the influence arrive society of stability and development .

  24. 该规定对维护家庭的稳定与社会的和谐都有着十分重要的作用。

    The provision is very important in maintaining the family stability and the society peace .

  25. 农户的风险处理策略对保障家庭经济稳定起到了重要作用。

    Rural households ' risk coping mechanisms played important role in protecting them from suffering .

  26. 中国传统文化稳定的主要原因是以家庭的稳定维护社会的稳定;

    And the main reason that makes it stable is family 's steady makes society 's steady ;

  27. 性态度开放是造成社会和家庭不稳定的潜在危险;

    The random sexual attitude is a potential risk factor for stabilization of the society and the family .

  28. 最终达到对两性权益实质平等的保护,促进婚姻家庭的稳定。

    Ultimately achieve substantive equality in gender interests to protect , promote the stability of marriage and family .

  29. 对比个人健康,家庭健康稳定常常更多被推崇;

    Well-being and stability of the family is often more highly esteemed than the well-being of the individual ;

  30. 金牛与巨蟹都十分看重家庭、稳定,注重与家人培养感情,喜欢呆在家里胜过出去社交。

    Both Taurus and Cancer value home and family , stability , being nurtured and staying in more than socializing .