
gū sǎo
  • sister-in-law;a woman and her brother's wife;daughter and her brother' wife
姑嫂 [gū sǎo]
  • [daughter and her brother' wife;sister-in-law] 妇人和她丈夫的姐妹的合称

姑嫂[gū sǎo]
  1. 谁说我们成不了姑嫂啊?

    Who says we shall not be sisters ?

  2. 至于甜点,不妨试试可口又好看的姑嫂饼,这些饼会被盛在一个传统的红漆盒子中端上来哦。

    For dessert , try the delicious and beautifully presented Gusao Cake , served in a traditional red lacquered box .

  3. 甚至连艾希礼在她脸颊上的轻吻,连媚兰的低语“你看,我们已经是真正的姑嫂了”也不是真实的。

    Even the feel of ashley 's kiss upon her cheek , even melanie 's soft whisper ," now , we 're really and truly sisters ," were unreal .

  4. 可是,彬格莱小姐既然认为将来还有重聚的欢乐,难道我们不能希望这一天比她意料中来得早一些吗?将来做了姑嫂,不是比今天做朋友更满意吗?

    But may we not hope that the period of future happiness to which Miss Bingley looks forward , may arrive earlier than she is aware , and that the delightful intercourse you have known as friends , will be renewed with yet greater satisfaction as sisters ?