
  • 网络Women education;female education
  1. 要在社区建设中加强妇女教育和培训,全面提高妇女素质,增强妇女能力,促进妇女发展。

    To intensify female education and training in the construction of community , we should advance women 's quality comprehensively , strengthen women 's ability and promote women 's development .

  2. 由慈善机构设计的这个电子广告牌是为更好地推广世界妇女教育。它只会给女性提供完整的广告内容,而男人只会被引导至相关内容的网站。

    Only women will be able to view the full message , which is for a charity promoting female education worldwide . Men will just be directed to its website .

  3. 总部设在华盛顿的美国高校妇女教育基金协会(AmericanAssociationofUniversityWomenEducationalFoundation)昨日公布了这份报告。报告表示,在获得学士学位后一年的时间里,女性的薪金只有男性的80%。

    The report , released yesterday by the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation , a Washington , DC-based group , said that one year after receiving a college degree , women make 80 per cent of what their male counterparts earn .

  4. 此外,伊娃倡导妇女教育,

    Eva was also an advocate for the education of women .

  5. 试论妇女教育与构建社会主义和谐社会

    On Women 's Education and the Construction of the Socialist Harmonious Society

  6. 东亚发展中国家的妇女教育与发展

    Women Education and Its Development in the Developing Countries of East Asia

  7. 周代贵族妇女教育的社会文化意义

    On the Significance of Social Culture about the Education of Noble Women

  8. 妇女教育机会和结果平等国家方案

    National Programme for Equality of Opportunity and Results for Women in Education

  9. 少女和妇女教育机会平等科

    Section for Equal Education Opportunities for Girls and Women

  10. 湖北农村妇女教育现状及影响因素

    Current Women 's Education Situation and Causal Factors in Rural Areas in Hubei

  11. 促进非洲少女和妇女教育

    Promoting girls ' and women 's education in Africa

  12. 妇女教育和识字问题区域会议

    Regional conference on women 's education and literacy

  13. 论孙中山的妇女教育观

    On Sun Zhongshan 's View of Woman Education

  14. 妇女教育对农户收入与收入差距的影响:山西的经验证据

    Women 's Education , Farmers ' Income and Income Inequality : Evidence from Shanxi Province

  15. 中国妇女教育的新发展

    New Progress of Education for Chinese Women

  16. 妇女教育与可持续发展

    Women 's Education and Sustainable Development

  17. 穆斯林妇女教育专题讨论会

    Symposium on Muslim Women 's Education

  18. 有证据显示,妇女教育投资的收益回报高出投资额许多倍。

    Evidence shows that investment in the education of women pays for itself many times over .

  19. 湘南农村妇女教育与人力资源开发研究

    Research on the Rural Women 's Education and the Exploitation of Human Resources in the South of Hunan

  20. 网络时代的媒介环境对妇女教育的影响与对策

    The influence of the mass media environment upon women 's education in the Internet Age and the countermeasures

  21. 报告说,提高妇女教育水平却不给她们就业机会和更大的话语权,这是在浪费一项宝贵的财富。

    It says better education levels without employment opportunities and a greater voice for women is squandering a valuable asset .

  22. 甘肃民族地区妇女教育滞后的文化原因分析

    The Analysis on the Cultural Cause for the Backwardness of the Women 's Education in National Minority Region of Gansu

  23. 论终身教育理念视野下现代妇女教育创新&以宁波市母亲素养工程为例

    Innovation of Modern Women Education in the Perspective of Lifelong Education & a Case Study of " Mother Qualification Project " in Ningbo

  24. 因此,进一步提高妇女教育水平和社会地位在保障她们享有平等性权利方面具有重要意义。

    Therefore , improving women 's educational attainments , raising social status of rural and minority women are important for safeguarding equal rights .

  25. 问题的解决要依靠真正普及免费的义务教育以及将妇女教育延伸到职业和高等教育机构。

    The author considers that the solution depends on free , compulsory , and universal basic education and efforts should be made in vocational and higher education institutions .

  26. 只有深化体制改革,构建农村妇女教育和培训创新体系,才能使西部农村妇女获得生存保障、发展保障和享受保障。

    Only deepening system reform and constructing innovative system of rural women education and training can make west rural women have living guarantee , development guarantee and enjoyment guarantee .

  27. 丁尼生的“公主”描写的是传奇故事,但探讨的是维多利亚时代早期的妇女教育、人格构成,以及在此基础上的社会的理想进步方式问题。

    Telling a legendary story , Alfred Tennyson 's Princess focuses on themes of women education , personality constituents in early Victorian Age and ideal mode of social progress .

  28. 社会性别观念对农村妇女教育地位呈负向影响,越持有传统性别观念,农村妇女教育地位就越低。

    Social sex concept has a negative influence on rural women education status : the more traditional the sex concept is , the lower the rural women education status is .

  29. 以贞节与柔顺为主的妇德教育是周代贵族妇女教育的核心,它承担着维护周代父权家族存在发展的社会文化功能。

    To be virgin and terder is the core of noble women education in Zhou Dynasty , and it has held its social culture function in , sustaining the paternal family existence .

  30. 一个著名的例子是,妇女教育团体反对会说话的芭比的那句“数学课太难啦”,玩具公司同意了修改。

    A well-known example was when women 's education groups objected to a talking Barbie that declared , among other things ," Math class is tough !" Mattel agreed to change it .