
  • 网络Women development
  1. 高等教育是现代妇女发展运动的一个重要方面。

    High education is an important field of modern women development .

  2. 中国性别平等与妇女发展评估报告(1995-2005)

    Evaluation Report on Gender Equality and Women Development in China , 1995-2005 ;

  3. 国际NGO项目与云南妇女发展

    International NGO Programs and Women 's Development in Yunnan Province

  4. 但Nazeera遇到了一个好心的扶困济贫者,即妇女发展联盟(WDF)这个非政府组织,也就是著名的Janashakthi,或人民的力量。

    But Nazeera had a good Samaritan-the non government organization , the Women 's Development Federation , [ WDF ] more commonly known as Janashakthi , or people 's power .

  5. 社区建设和妇女发展二者相互依存、相互作用、相互促进。

    Community construction and women 's development are interrelated and coexisted .

  6. 将妇女发展状况纳入国家统计制度;

    Channeling women 's development condition into the state statistic system ;

  7. 浅论社区建设与妇女发展

    A Brief Discussion on Community Construction and Women 's Development

  8. 联合国妇女发展基金协商委员会

    Consultative Committee on the United Nations Development Fund for Women

  9. 上海城市精神建设与妇女发展

    Shanghai 's Construction of City Spirit and Women 's development

  10. 工业化与英国妇女发展的再研究

    The Industrialization and British Women 's Development Opportunities and Challenges

  11. 拉丁美洲妇女发展与参与协会

    Latin American Association for the Development and Integration of Women

  12. 贫困中的妇女发展:社会性别与差异&以《大山的女儿》华北卷、西南卷中妇女口述为例

    The Development of Women in Poverty : Gender and Differences

  13. 妇联组织应对妇女发展问题的工作策略

    Working Strategies of the Women 's Federation to Deal with Women 's Development

  14. 妇女发展权及其法律保障

    On Womans Right to Development and its Legal Protection

  15. 美国大学图书馆妇女发展现状分析

    An Analysis of Women at Present Situation About Among the American Academic Libraries

  16. 全面建设小康与广东妇女发展

    Building a Well-off Society in an All-round Way and Women 's Development in Guangdong

  17. 农村妇女发展与闲暇时间的性别不平等研究

    A Study of Gender Inequality in Rural Women 's Development and Their Free Time

  18. 论妇女发展的路线与模式

    On the route and model of women development

  19. 于丹现象与新时期妇女发展的文化解读

    A Cultural Interpretation of " Yudan Phenomenon " and Female Development in New Times

  20. 美国大学图书馆领导层妇女发展状况述评

    A Commentary on the Development of Women as Leaders in the America Academic Libraries

  21. 经济国际化与山东妇女发展

    Economy Internationalization and Women 's Development in Shandong

  22. 妇女发展是社会和谐发展的必要条件,也是社会和谐发展的重要目标之一。

    Women 's development is the necessity and significant goal of establishing harmonious society .

  23. 联合国妇女发展基金(妇发基金)-纽约,美国

    United Nations Development Fund for Women ( UNIFEM ) - New York , USA

  24. 村委会选举:农村妇女发展的机遇与挑战

    The Election of the Villagers Committee : Opportunity and Challenge for Rural Women 's Development

  25. 当代中东妇女发展问题研究

    Study on the Development Issue of the Middle East Women after the Second World War

  26. 经济参与和云南少数民族妇女发展

    Economic Participation and Yunnan Ethnic Women Development

  27. 广东省城市化进程中农村妇女发展探索

    Development of rural women in Guangdong urbanization

  28. 非洲妇女发展和通信网

    Africa Women 's Development and Communications Network

  29. 妇女发展方案高级顾问

    Senior Adviser for Women 's Development Programmes

  30. 增强全社会的社会性别意识为妇女发展创造良好的社会环境

    Enhancing the Consciousness of Sexual Equality and Improving the Social Surroundings for the Women 's Development