
fù nǚ dài biǎo
  • Women's representatives;woman deputy
  1. 飞机上有到上海的朝鲜妇女代表团吗?

    Do you have Korean women delegation on board for sha ?

  2. 妇女代表比例法定化的合宪性探讨

    On the Constitutionality of Legalizing the " Ratio of Female Representatives "

  3. 这儿今晚的活动可多呢,因为美国妇女代表们刚刚来到这城里。

    There will be plenty of activity here tonight because the American women delegates have just hit town .

  4. 来自中美两国各界妇女代表100余人就妇女与发展、妇女与环境、妇女与暴力及老年问题等共同关心的话题进行畅谈。会后,代表们一致希望继续加强交流与合作。

    Women 's issues of common concern were discussed , and the delegates enhanced their mutual understanding and friendship .

  5. 山东省农村育龄妇女代表性膳食下铁、锌、钙吸收率分析

    Analysis of the absorption rate of Fe , Zn and Ca in representation diet of rural women at childbearing-age in Shandong

  6. 设计队曾让这个项目在过去两年里充满生机,这两名妇女代表了设计队中虽小但最关键的部分。

    These two women represent a small but critical faction of the design team that has brought this project to life over the past two years .

  7. 他还将会见从一个世行管理的赠款项目中受益的妇女代表,该项目为妇女提供小额创业资金。

    He 'll also meet women who 've benefited from a Bank managed project to empower women in the western province-by giving grants for the women to set up small scale enterprises .

  8. 有关的无能为力,妇女的代表帮助使他们安分守己。

    Women 's representation helps to keep them in a place of relative powerlessness .

  9. 女性革命者被视为现代中国的新女性,是解放了的妇女的代表,20世纪文学对这一新女性形象充满了热情和想象。

    Female revolutionaries are regarded as new women and representatives of liberated women in modern China .

  10. 我是世界女权协会的西洲国家代表团妇女的代表。

    I am representing women in the Asian countries delegation of the world women 's rights council .

  11. 他的姑妈被选为全体护士妇女团体的代表。

    His aunt is elected as the representative of the whole sisterhood of nurses .

  12. 对于其中的主要人物,笔者重点分析了安东尼娅和亚历山德拉,这两人通常被认为是拓荒妇女的典型代表。

    For the main characters , Antonia and Alexandra are analyzed as they are generally considered as the epitome of the pioneer women .

  13. 在政治方面,这个时期妇女的杰出代表伊丽莎白一世女王就以自己的方式和智慧排除障碍顺利登上了王位,稳固了自己女王的地位。

    In political terms , Queen Elizabeth I , as the outstanding representatives of women during this period , used her own ways and wisdom to remove obstacles to successfully ascend the throne , established the position of the Queen .

  14. ZahidaBibi是巴基斯坦一名患糖尿病的65岁妇女。她的故事代表许多糖尿病患者的经历,尤其在低收入国家。

    The story of Zahida Bibi , a65 year old woman living with diabetes in Pakistan is typical of the experience of many people with diabetes , especially in low income countries .

  15. 〔8〕中国妇女第一次全国代表大会,是一九四九年三月在北平召开的。

    The First National Women 's Congress was held in March 1949 in Peiping .

  16. 中华全国妇女联合会以代表和维护广大妇女利益为基本宗旨,致力于促进男女平等,提高妇女地位。

    Aiming to represent and defend the interests of women , the federation devotes itself to promoting sexual equality and raising women 's position in society .

  17. 妇联组织应对变迁的环境采取调整与政府的关系定位,重塑自身在妇女群体中的代表性、权威性,逐步明确制度创新目标等策略。

    Women federations are employing strategies of adjusting its relations with the government , rebuilding its representative and guiding position in women groups , and setting targets of system innovations .

  18. 黑人妇女被看作是非洲传统文化的承接者,在某种程度上,受压抑的黑人妇女代表了整个受压抑的黑人群体。

    Black Women are considered as the bearers of traditional African culture ;