- 名Women's representatives;woman deputy

Do you have Korean women delegation on board for sha ?
On the Constitutionality of Legalizing the " Ratio of Female Representatives "
There will be plenty of activity here tonight because the American women delegates have just hit town .
Women 's issues of common concern were discussed , and the delegates enhanced their mutual understanding and friendship .
Analysis of the absorption rate of Fe , Zn and Ca in representation diet of rural women at childbearing-age in Shandong
These two women represent a small but critical faction of the design team that has brought this project to life over the past two years .
He 'll also meet women who 've benefited from a Bank managed project to empower women in the western province-by giving grants for the women to set up small scale enterprises .
Women 's representation helps to keep them in a place of relative powerlessness .
Female revolutionaries are regarded as new women and representatives of liberated women in modern China .
I am representing women in the Asian countries delegation of the world women 's rights council .
His aunt is elected as the representative of the whole sisterhood of nurses .
For the main characters , Antonia and Alexandra are analyzed as they are generally considered as the epitome of the pioneer women .
In political terms , Queen Elizabeth I , as the outstanding representatives of women during this period , used her own ways and wisdom to remove obstacles to successfully ascend the throne , established the position of the Queen .
The story of Zahida Bibi , a65 year old woman living with diabetes in Pakistan is typical of the experience of many people with diabetes , especially in low income countries .
The First National Women 's Congress was held in March 1949 in Peiping .
Aiming to represent and defend the interests of women , the federation devotes itself to promoting sexual equality and raising women 's position in society .
Women federations are employing strategies of adjusting its relations with the government , rebuilding its representative and guiding position in women groups , and setting targets of system innovations .
Black Women are considered as the bearers of traditional African culture ;