
  1. 西一2写信给在歌罗西的圣徒,就是在基督里忠信的弟兄:愿恩典与平安,从神我们的父归与你们。

    Col.1:2 to the saints in Colossae and faithful brothers in christ : grace to you and peace from God our father .

  2. 菊池宽的独幕剧《父归》是一部反映父子亲情与家庭伦理问题的现实主义作品。

    Father Comes Back , a realistic one-actor written by Kan Kikuchi , reflects the affection between the father and his son and family ethics .

  3. 写信给歌罗西的圣徒、在基督里有忠心的弟兄.愿恩惠平安、从神我们的父、归与你们。

    To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse : Grace be unto you , and peace , from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ .

  4. 父病危,速归。

    Father seriously ill and return immediately .