
fù qīn jié
  • Father's Day
  1. 在生日、母亲节和父亲节等特殊日子自制甜点?

    DIY desserts on the special days like birthday , Mother 's Day and Father 's Day ?

  2. B:是的。今天是父亲节。

    B : Yes , it is . It 's Father 's Day .

  3. 昨天是父亲节。

    Yesterday was Father 's Day .

  4. 你能想象当你在生日、母亲节或父亲节等特殊的日子把自制甜点给你爱的人时,他/她会有多幸福吗?

    Can you imagine how happy your beloved one will be happy w hen you give him / her your DIY desserts on the special days like birthday , Mother ’ s Day and Father ’ s Day ?

  5. 1909年,约翰B·多德在华盛顿第一次提出了设立父亲节的想法。

    Mrs. John B. Dodd , of Washington , first proposed the idea of a " father 's day " in 1909 .

  6. HappyFathersDay,Dad爸爸,父亲节快乐亲爱的爸爸:今天我在商场的时候,我读了好长时间的有关“父亲节”的贺卡。

    Dear Dad , Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father 's Day cards .

  7. 在父亲节,我父母驱车来到丹佛,我们在GreatSandDunes野营,度过了一个快乐的周末。

    For Father 's Day , my parents drove to Denver and we packed up the camping gear for a fun weekend at The Great Sand Dunes .

  8. 对于BenedictCumberbatch来说,父亲节来得比普通人的要早一些。

    Father 's Day has come a little early for Benedict Cumberbatch .

  9. 据贺卡制作公司Hallmark的统计,父亲节是第五大发送贺卡最多的日子。

    According to greetings card makers Hallmark , Father 's Day is the fifth-largest card-sending day . 4 .

  10. 罗兰•纳尔逊(RolandNelson)记得,几年前他从妻子那儿收到了一份父亲节礼物,那是个薄薄的、长方形的东西。

    Roland Nelson remembers receiving a slim , rectangular Father 's Day present from his wife a few years ago .

  11. GQ杂志的父亲节专题让同志父亲们扬眉吐气了一把。

    The Fathers Day edition of GQ magazine has given a humble nod to gay Dads .

  12. 亲爱的爸爸,很怀念儿时你常带我赴公园游玩,那时你的手掌好大,好有力,谢谢(thankyou)你对我的培养(Culture),祝父亲节快乐!

    Dear Dad , you have always cherished the memory of childhood to take me to the park to play , when your big hand , so strong , thank you for my training , I wish a happy Father 's Day !

  13. 奥兰多•布鲁姆在庆祝完父亲节之后,这位迷人的英国演员和他可爱的小家伙18个月大的Flynn在6月17日的好莱坞享受着一个阳光明媚的下午。

    ORLANDO BLOOM After celebrating Father 's Day , the charming English actor and his fun-loving mini-me , 18-month-old Flynn , enjoy a sunny afternoon in Hollywood on June 17 .

  14. 凯西的女儿Kerri周日早晨在推特上宣布了这个消息:就在这个父亲节早上,我们的父亲在亲朋的陪伴下安详离世。

    Kasem 's daughter Kerri broke the news on Sunday morning tweeting , Early this Father 's Day morning , our dad Casey Kasem passed away surrounded by family and friends .

  15. 你的孙儿,在父亲节向您献上温馨的祝福。

    A warm wish from your grandson on Father 's Day .

  16. 今天是父亲节,你祝福没有?

    Today is father 's day , you do not have ?

  17. 父亲节快乐,亲爱的爸爸!

    Happy Father 's Day to you , my dear father !

  18. 爸爸你是我的英雄!父亲节快乐!

    You 're a hero Daddy ! Happy Father 's Day !

  19. 母亲和父亲节昏纪念日时去餐厅用餐。

    Mom and Dad dined at a restaurant on their anniversary .

  20. 米兰&今天是父亲节,也是内斯塔的生日。

    MILAN-On Father 's Day , Alessandro Nesta celebrates his birthday .

  21. 第一个父亲节是在1910年由美国开始的。

    The first Father 's Day was in1910 in United States .

  22. 父亲节那天,杜格获得了铅球赛的铜牌。

    Doug won a bronze medal in shot put that day .

  23. 快去吧父亲节快乐!

    Get on out of here . Happy Father 's Day !

  24. 你忘了。今天是父亲节啊。

    Did you forget ? It 's Father 's Day today .

  25. 你想送我父亲节礼物?

    You want to get me something for Father 's Day ?

  26. 你想要什么父亲节卡片?

    What do you want , a father 's day card ?

  27. 六月的个星期日是父亲节。

    Father 's Day falls on the third Sunday in June .

  28. 这在即将到来的父亲节尤为正确。

    That 's certainly true with Father 's Day upon us .

  29. 在路上朋友给我的父亲节礼物

    guys on my route got me for Father 's Day .

  30. 谁提出设立父亲节的想法?

    Who came up with the idea of Fathers Day ?