
  1. 布拉特曼和他的同事对“直接给钱”政策进行了一种“破坏性试验”。

    Blattman and his colleagues conducted what one might regard as a test-to-destruction of the " just give cash " policy .

  2. 付钱给跟他谈恋爱的人干活会让他觉得很奇怪,尽管不是直接给钱。

    It 's strange to pay someone you 're romantically involved with to do work for you , even if the compensation is somewhat indirect .

  3. 另一方面,如果我直接给她钱,她可以自己选一张。

    On the other hand , if I give her money , she can choose one herself .

  4. 这只是一大堆研究论文和政策文件中最引人注目的一部分,即认为解决贫困问题的一个良策是直接给穷人发钱。

    It is merely the most eye-catching in a stack of research and policy papers to conclude that an excellent cure for the problem of poverty is simply to give poor people money .

  5. 可我身上什么都没发生,什么都没长,没任何变化。我想这太荒唐了,我何不干脆忘掉这事,直接给维克·坦宁钱得了,我问他愿不愿意每晚护送我回家。

    Nothing happened to me at all , y'know , nothing grew or anything , and I figure it 's ridiculous , why don 't I forget about it and give Vic Tanning the cash . , and I ask him if he 'll walk me home nights .