
  • 网络Naga;KING COBRA;The Snake King;CoBRA
  1. 蛇王节·闽越文化·稻作习俗&浅谈闽北樟湖的蛇王节

    The Snake King Festival , the Culture of Fujian and East Zhejiang , and the Paddy Cultivation Customs & Discussions about the Snake King Festival in Zhangzhou of North Fujian

  2. 闽北樟湖蛇王节的民俗事象,其文化内涵显示了蛇信仰的文化遗存。

    The folkways of the Snake King Festival in Zhangzhou of North Fujian come from their cultural heritage of snake worship .

  3. 霉霉在新专辑中传达了对此事的回击——身着蛇王装,在单曲《LookWhatYouMadeMeDo》中亮相。

    The " Reputation " singer , of course , turned the attack into one of the driving themes of her new album , dressing up as the queen of snakes in the music video for the single " Look What You Made Me Do . "

  4. 他说这代表着蛇王那伽。

    He says this represents the snake god , naga .

  5. 你听见戴伟克蛇王说什么了吗?

    Have you heard what devik snake king just said ?

  6. 蛇王营养液的研究

    Study on the KING SNAKE Nutritive Liquid