
lóng wáng
  • the Dragon King;the God of Rain in Chinese mythology;Dragon King,the God ofRain
龙王 [lóng wáng]
  • [Dragon King,the God ofRain] 神话传说中在水里统领水族并掌管行云降雨的神

龙王[lóng wáng]
  1. 此龙王圣像乃陈上师留传下来给我的。

    This holy image of the Dragon King came down to me from Guru Chen .

  2. 那天午夜他预备把东海龙王叫来施雨。

    At midnight he would call the Dragon king of the Eastern Sea to make rain .

  3. 谁进得龙王庙不捏一把冷汗?

    No one came into Dragon King Temple without breaking into a cold sweat .

  4. 小鲤鱼回答说:“我是东海龙王的臣子,不幸落到这里。您能够给我一些水来救我活命吗?”

    The little crucian carp answered : " I am a subject of the Dragon King of the East China Sea . Unfortunately I fell down here . Can you give me a little water to save my life ? "

  5. 采用人工模拟低温处理,对低温胁迫下一窝蜂、优一和龙王帽3种仁用杏枝条的萌芽率、电解质渗出率、可溶性糖含量及MDA含量的变化进行了研究分析。

    Artificial low temperature treatment was used to study the changes of electrolyte leakage and soluble sugar content and MDA content of3 varieties apricot under low temperature stress .

  6. 以成都电业局500kV龙王变电站为例,分析了变电站电磁干扰特性和传播形式。在提出了一般性的控制措施的基础上,重点通过500kV变电站接地技术设计来改善和控制变电站的电磁干扰问题。

    Characteristics and propagation mode of electromagnetic interference are analyzed taking Long-Wang substation which belongs to Chengdu Electric Power Bureau as example , and a design method of 500 kV substation ground grid is put forward to improve and control the problem of electromagnetic interference .

  7. 龙王(石童)A型花岗岩地质矿化特征

    The geological characteristics of Longwang Zhuang A-type granite and its significance

  8. 这不是龙王的宫殿吗?

    Isn 't that the name of the dragon 's palace ?

  9. 武汉市龙王庙险段综合整治工程加固设计

    Strengthening design of the dangerous Longwangmiao dyke section in Wuhan City

  10. 我能否请求您书写龙王咒呢?

    May I ask you for caligraphy of Dragon King mantra ?

  11. 论《西游记》中的龙王形象及其文化内涵

    On dragon king image cultural connotation of Pilgrimage to the West

  12. 城市防洪与环境综合治理&龙王庙堤防整治工程河工模型试验研究

    The comprehensive regulation of flood control and environment protection in cities

  13. 但能很清楚的证明龙王鲸是由陆地生物进化而来。

    But it clearly shows Basilosaurus an evolution from land creature .

  14. 台风龙王中尺度暴雨成因分析

    Causation Analysis of Mesoscale Heavy Rain Triggered by Typhoon Longwang

  15. 古代小说与龙王信仰研究

    The Study on Ancient Novels and the Belief of Naga

  16. 武汉龙王庙商贸广场建筑及景观设计

    Architectural & Landscape Design for Wuhan Dragon King Temple Commercial Trade Plaza

  17. 浙江龙王山昆虫物种多样性研究

    Insect species diversity of Nature Reserve of Mount Longwang

  18. 武汉市龙王庙险段水下地形监测及分析

    Monitor and Analysis of Underwater Terrain in Longwangmiao Dangerous Section in Wuhan City

  19. 浙江省龙王山自然保护区生态旅游开发浅议

    Superficially Discussion on Eco-tourism Development of Longwang Mount Nature Reserve in Zhejiang Province

  20. 0519号台风龙王第二次登陆地点的认知分析

    Analysis of the second landfall position of typhoon 0519

  21. 由龙王台风所引发的宜居城市环境问题反思

    Considerations upon livable urban environment arousing by typhoon Longwang

  22. 龙王山鹅掌楸种群的静态生命表

    The Static Life-table of Liriodendron chinense in Longwang Mountain

  23. 武汉市堤防龙王庙险段安全性态评价

    Evaluation on safety behavior of Longwangmiao dangerous section of Yangtze Levee in Wuhan

  24. 而且最近在埃及,他们发现了一具骨架,称之为龙王鲸。

    And very recently in Egypt , they found a skeleton of Basilosaurus .

  25. 蓝礼大人,就算龙王伊耿再世也管不住。

    Aegon the Dragon himself could not keep the peace , Lord Renly .

  26. 浙西北龙王山自然保护区植被的研究

    The study on the vegetation of mount longwang nature reserve in northwestern Zhejiang Province

  27. 龙王取为珠,能破千年暗。

    Dragon pearl , can break for years .

  28. 龙王河流域(莒南段)水污染现状及综合治理对策

    The present situation of water pollution and the comprehensive harness countermeasures of longwang river valley

  29. 福建台风灾害链分析&以2005年龙王台风为例

    Analysis on typhoon disaster chain in fujian : a case study of typhoon Longwang in 2005

  30. 龙王山凹凸棒石粘土的研究

    Study on Longwang Mountain Attapulgite Clay