
wǔ sì qīng nián jié
  • Youth Day;the May 4 Youth Day
五四青年节 [wǔ sì qīng nián jié]
  • [the May 4 Youth Day] 为了使青年继承和发扬五四运动的传统而规定的纪念五四运动的节日。在五四运动中,我国青年充分显示了革命的精神和力量

五四青年节[wǔ sì qīng nián jié]
  1. 你知道五四青年节的由来吗?

    Do you know the story of " Youth Day "?

  2. 复兴民族的批判力&写在五四青年节之际

    Reviving People 's Spirit of Criticizing & Written in May 4th youth Day

  3. 当亚洲五四青年节快要结束的时候,他在首尔西南部举行了露天弥撒。

    He gave an open-air mass on the final day of the Asian Youth Day festival southwest of Seoul .

  4. 你看,三八妇女节、五四青年节、六一儿童节。

    You see , there are Women 's Day on March 3rd , Youth 's Day on May 4th , and Children 's Day on June 1st .

  5. 在新世纪的阳光和五月的鲜花播洒进每一个人的心灵的时候,我们又迎来了五四青年节。

    When the sunshine of the new century and flowers of May are felt by the heart of every people , we are welcoming the May.4th Youth Day again .

  6. 祝大家“五四”青年节快乐!

    Wish you a happy May Fourth Youth Day .