
  1. 强力锚杆支护系统及在潞安五阳煤矿的应用

    Strength Anchored Bolt Supporting System and Its Application in Lu'an Wuyang Colliery

  2. 五阳煤矿煤巷支护技术改革与发展

    Reform and development of support technology for seam gateway in Wuyang Mine

  3. 五阳煤矿通风系统方案优化决策研究

    Study on Optimization Decision of Ventilation System Project of Wuyang Coal Mine

  4. 五阳煤矿南峰扩区瓦斯涌出规律及治理方案

    Gas emission law and control scheme for Nanfeng extended section in Wuyang Mine

  5. 直线电机井口操车设备在五阳煤矿的应用

    Application of Line Electrical Machinery shaft Mouth Control Equipment in Wuyang Coal Mine

  6. 五阳煤矿煤层底板突水评价及防治技术

    Evaluation and Prevention Proposals of Water Inrush from Seam Floor in Wuyang Coal Mine

  7. 五阳煤矿高强度开采条件下地表移动规律的研究

    Research on surface ground displacement law under high tension coal mining conditions in Wuyang Mine

  8. 五阳煤矿7601综放面瓦斯浓度分布规律分析

    Analysis on Gas Content Distribution Law of 7601 Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Face in Wuyang Mine

  9. 五阳煤矿陷落柱发育特征及突水危险性评价

    The collapse column development characteristics and the evaluation on water bursting risk of Wuyang Coal Mine

  10. 五阳煤矿南峰扩区3~煤层三维地震综合勘探

    3D Seismic Integrated Exploration in 3 ~ # Coal Seam Distensible Areas in Nanfeng in Wuyang Coal Mine

  11. 研究结果应用于五阳煤矿村庄下采煤实践,实现了安全、高效开采,并有效控制了地表沉陷。

    The result was applied to the practice of short-wall mining under villages of Wuyang mine to achieve the safe and high-efficient exploitation and control the mining subsidence effectively .

  12. 在对五阳煤矿深部接替采区南峰扩区的地质情况和矿井现状分析的基础上,提出了适合该矿的采煤方法。

    Base on analysis on the geological conditions of Nanfeng extended section of the follow up mining district in deep depth and the mine status of Wuyang Mine , the paper provided a mining method suitable for the mine .