
  • 网络atc;Automatic Train Control;Automatic Train Control System
  1. 介绍了广州地铁一号线采用列车自动控制系统的设备概况、框图、功能及特点。

    The paper introduced the equipment outline , frame drawing , function and characteristics of ATC system of Guangzhou subway No 1 Line .

  2. 在分析几种典型轨道交通的列车自动控制系统特点的基础上,提出了一种更完善、安全性和可靠性更高的新型运行控制系统体系结构。

    Fifthly , a new structure of operation control system , with perfect function , high security and reliability was proposed based on analyzing some typical rail transportation system and its features of ATC system .

  3. 列车自动控制系统(ATC)是城市轨道交通系统高效高密运行必不可少的。

    An efficient rail transport system , the Automatic Train Control System ( ATC ) is necessary .

  4. 随着信息社会的到来,铁路列车自动控制系统(ATC)也面临着极大的发展空间。基于现代通信技术的列车运行控制系统是铁路信号未来的发展方向。

    With the advent of information society , automatic train control system based modern communication technology was facing great development and would become future trend .

  5. 基于无线局域网通信的列车自动控制系统

    Automatic Train Control Based on Wireless Local Area Network Communication

  6. 城市轨道交通列车自动控制系统的标准化设想

    Standardization of Urban Mass Transit Automatic Train Control System

  7. 浅谈列车自动控制系统中安全保护距离的设计与验证

    Design and Validation for Safe Headway of Trains with Auto - matic Control System

  8. 本文论述了滑模变结构控制方法在列车自动控制系统中的应用研究。

    The paper discusses the approach of variable structure control using in the automation train control system ( ATCs ) .

  9. 在发展趋势部分,文章指出利用通信、计算机、自动控制及数字信号处理等技术的最新成果开发出来的先进列车自动控制系统必将得到越来越广泛的应用。

    In the part of development tendency of mass transit signaling system , the article pointed out what the advanced automatic train control system with the new technology of communication , computer , automation and digital signal processing ( DSP ) will be used extensively .

  10. CHECK方式列车运行自动控制系统由CHECK方式列车检知子系统、CHECK方式调度监督子系统、CHECK方式闭塞子系统和CHECK方式联锁子系统组成。

    The system is made of Check on Train Subsystem , Supervision Subsystem , Block Subsystem and Interlocking Subsystem .

  11. 铁道运输列车运行自动控制系统的研究

    Research on the Computer Control System for Train Operation in Railway Transportation

  12. 基于模糊逻辑及神经网络的列车自动运行控制系统方案

    Architectures of Automatic Train Operation Control Systems Based on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks

  13. 随着地铁列车自动运行控制系统的技术改进,行车调度系统的自动化程度越来越高,因此降低了由行车调度员的不当操作引发事故的可能性。

    In the wake of technology improvement of the subway automatic train operation control system , the dispatching system is more and more automatically .

  14. 上述研究方法和算法还可应用于列车运行自动控制系统,实现高速铁路的列车定位。

    It is proved that the system has a bright future , and this method may also adopt in the train automatic control system and realize the positioning of high-speed railway .

  15. 有了该智能平台,诸如列车自动运行控制系统、列调系统、区间自动控制系统等,都可以编写相应软件,通过对底层硬件的控制,达到模拟各种铁路系统工作过程的目的。

    With the intelligent platform , many systems such as the automatic train operation control system , the column adjustment system , interval automatic control system , can write the corresponding software to simulate the working process of various railway systems through the control of the underlying hardware .

  16. 上海轨道交通信号系统均为从国外引进不同国家和厂商的列车自动控制(ATC)系统。

    All the signal subsystems of Shanghai rail transit including automatic train control ( ATC ) are introduced from different countries and factories .

  17. 列车自动驾驶系统是列车自动运行控制系统的一个重要的子系统,其负责控制列车自动运行以代替司机的驾驶。

    The ATO is an important subsystem of Automatic Train Control System . It is responsible for the automatic running of train in order to replace the driver .

  18. 高速列车组合导航技术已成为列车运行自动控制系统的关键技术之一,高速列车测速定位的精度和可靠性直接影响列车的行车安全和运行效率。

    The combination of high-speed train navigation technology has become one of the key technologies of the Automatic Train Control system .

  19. 列车运行超速防护系统ATP在轨道交通列车自动控制系统中担负着重要作用,而ATP车载设备是实现ATP功能的关键。

    Automatic train protection plays an important role in train control system , and the on-board equipment is the important part of ATP .

  20. 为此,有必要在磁悬浮列车上设计一个独立的自动保护系统,来确保列车运行时的安全,并作为列车自动运行控制系统的一部分。

    To insure that , we must design an independent Automatic Train Protect ( ATP ) system on the train and this system is a part of the Automatic Train Control ( ATC ) system .

  21. 不同的列车运行曲线,对应的速度防护指标、准时性指标、精确停车指标、舒适性指标和能耗指标也不尽相同,所以在列车运行自动控制系统中非常有必要对ATO速度曲线进行优化。

    Different train operating curve , corresponding to the speed of protection indicators , punctuality indicators , precise parking indicator , comfort indicators and energy consumption indicators are not the same . It is necessary to optimize the ATO speed curve in Automatic Train Control system .