
  1. 为了进一步提高列车运行速度和线路运营效率,基于通讯的列车控制系统(CommunicationBasedTrainControlSystem,CBTC)成为城市轨道交通的主要发展趋势。

    As to improve the train speed and line operational efficiency , Communication-Based Train Control system ( CBTC ) has been the main development tendency of urban rail transit .

  2. 实验结果表明,在列车运行速度为350km/h时,基于BP神经网络切换算法比传统切换算法的不满意通信概率平均降低了41.1%。

    The experimental results showed that the unsatisfied communication probability of BP neural network handover algorithm can be reduced the rate of 41.1 % averagely comparing with the traditional handover algorithm .

  3. 随着列车运行速度和密度的提高,列车调度指挥系统(TrainDispatchingandControllingSystem,TDCS)成为整个铁路系统能够有序地运行的核心。

    Train Dispatching and Controlling System ( TDCS ) are becoming the core that the railway system can orderly organize various transportation , with the speed improved and the density increased of train .

  4. 根据国家铁路交通中长期发展纲要,列车运行速度将达到350km/h甚至更高。

    According to the long-term development program of China railway transport , the train speed will reach 350km / h or even higher .

  5. l本文提出了满意通信概率模型,对接收信号电平、基站-移动台的距离、列车运行速度等越区切换事件的强关联参数建立了满意通信概率模型。

    This paper proposed the probability model of satisfactory communication and established the probability satisfactory communication model of the rxlev , the distance between BS and MS , the speed of train .

  6. 高速铁路是指列车运行速度200km/h以上的铁路,我国对既有铁路进行提速改造的同时,拟修建京沪高速铁路,全长1307km,时速250km。

    The train operating speed in high speed railway is usually over 200 km / h. While raising speed on existing railways in China , the Jing Hu High Speed Railway will be constructed with running speed of 250km / h and having a total length of 1307m .

  7. 列车运行速度及走行距离测试的原理分析

    Principle analysis of measurements of the train running speed and distance

  8. 既有线上提高列车运行速度对运输能力的影响

    Effect on Traffic Capacity by Raising train Running Speed on Existing Lines

  9. 针对列车运行速度的提高,离心力应考虑折减。

    Compensation of centrifugal force should be considered as speed increase of trains .

  10. 铁路随着列车运行速度的提高,其消耗的能量显著增大。

    With the increase of the train speed , the energy consumption increases significantly .

  11. 提高列车运行速度是我国铁路运输发展的方向。

    Increasing the speed of train is the stratagem of railway development in our country .

  12. 萧甬线曹娥江大桥列车运行速度研究分析

    Study and Analysis of Train Running Speed on Cao'e River Bridge on Xiaoshan-Ningbo Railway Line

  13. 随着列车运行速度的提升,车顶绝缘子外围的气流分布和积污规律更为复杂。

    With the speeding up of electrified railway , the surrounding airflow and deposition pattern become more complex .

  14. 在不同的列车运行速度及列车外形等环境条件下,建立了列车过隧道的纵截面动网格模型。

    The longitudinal section of the dynamic mesh model is established in different speed and shape of train .

  15. 列车运行速度与区间时分的计算是列车牵引计算软件的主要功能。

    The calculation of train running speed and its zonetime is the main function of train traction calculation software .

  16. 国家六次提高列车运行速度,以适应经济发展对铁路运输的要求。

    The country improves train operation speed several times in order to adapt to the demand of economic growth .

  17. 列车运行速度提高后就必须解决好弓网耦合系统的稳定受流问题。

    The problem about stability of collecting electricity of pantograph-catenaries coupling system must be solved after the speed increases .

  18. 伴随着我国高铁列车运行速度的提高,人们对列车的制动系统及其制动材料要求的也提高了。

    With the increase of high-speed rail train speed , train brake system and brake material requirements also increased .

  19. 通过算例分析列车运行速度对板式轨道周围地面振动的影响。

    Numerical examples are provided to examine the influence of train velocity on propagation of vibration in the ground .

  20. 但葛西敬之表示,中国的列车运行速度更接近最大安全速度。

    But Mr Kasai said the Chinese are driving the trains at much closer to their maximum safe speeds .

  21. 随着铁路客车的迅速发展和列车运行速度的大幅度提升,结构振动引发的部件疲劳问题和车内噪声问题日益突出。

    Fatigue damage and interior noise which caused by structural vibration becomes more serious with rapid development of railway car .

  22. 随着我国高速铁路的发展,列车运行速度和运输密度不断提高,以及单司机乘务员制度的实行和运行区间的加大,传统的人工驾驶方式已难以满足驾驶要求。

    With the development of high speed railway in our country , train speed and transportation density are increasing continuously .

  23. 随着高速铁路列车运行速度的大幅提高,运营安全的保障显得更为重要。

    With the highly increase of the speed of trains , the guarantee of operation safety is becoming more important .

  24. 另外,悬浮间隙测量模块中集成了部分辅助测量工具,如列车运行速度测量、垂直地面方向加速度测量。

    In addition , suspending gap measurement module integrates some assistant measurement tolls as velocity measurement tool and acceleration measurement tool .

  25. 对于支承基础设施设计运行标准,采用以下列车运行速度。

    In terms of operating criteria for the design of the supporting infrastructure , the following operating train speeds are applied .

  26. 本文首先讨论了规划列车运行速度曲线有关的问题,这些问题包括:线路特性、列车相关设计指标、运营时的舒适度指标。

    In the first part of this page , it discussed some problems of how to planning the velocity curve of train .

  27. 发现列车运行速度提高了35km/h时,列车竖向振动荷载最大值增加了1634kN。

    It is pointed that the maximum vertical vibration load increases by 16.34 kN when train speed increases by 35 km / h.

  28. 阐述了随着列车运行速度的提高,降低机车自重的重要意义。

    This paper presents the significance of the decreasing in tare weight of the locomotive with the speed increases of the train .

  29. 随着铁路运行速度的逐年攀升,较快的列车运行速度对道岔提出了更加严格的要求。

    Along with the speed of train rising year by year , the point as railway key equipment is required stricter request .

  30. 对于铁路路堤边坡来说,由于铁路的列车运行速度高,动力效应大,故对路堤边坡的稳定性要求较高。

    As the train speed high and dynamic effect large , so the railway has high requirements of the subgrade slope stability .