
  • 网络LEK
  1. 列克(Lek)是阿尔巴尼亚使用的货币(货币代吗是ALL)。

    The Lek ( currency code ALL ) is the currency used in Albania .

  2. “最后,我们地方委员会奖励了这个小姑娘10000列克(80欧元),还有牧师也给了她格外的嘉奖。”Kumi补充道。

    The council awarded her a prize of10,000 leks ( 80 euros ) and the priests gave her an extra prize , Kumi said .

  3. 生物质能源:林业发展的新领域&国家林业局副局长、局林木生物质能源领导小组组长祝列克访谈录

    The New orientation for the Development of Forestry : Bioenergy

  4. 在提列克人说当地的提列克语时,他们会使用这种叫做列库的头角。

    The Twi'leks use their head-tails , or lekku , when they speak their native tongue of Twi'leki .