
  1. 18例戴用附着体义齿患者咀嚼效能测定:3个月后的咀嚼效能可达同龄正常牙列者的86.73%,1a后达正常牙列者的90.57%。

    The masticatory efficiency measurement of 18 patients restored with precision attachment prostheses showed that the patients masticatory efficiency achieved 86.73 % of the same age healthy dentition after 3 months , and 90.57 % of the same age healthy dentition after 1 year .

  2. 方法:采用92例侧貌正常的恒牙列者的X线头影测量图进行测量分析。

    [ WT5FZ ] Methods : [ WT5BZ ] 92 samples with normal profile and permanent dentition were analyzed by cephalometrics .

  3. 裁小及所具有的,附表所列明者。

    The powers of punishment of a tribunal and the commissioner shall be those which are set out in the schedule .

  4. 本文采用吸光度法测定了62例肯氏Ⅰ类牙列缺损者戴用双侧游离端义齿前后的咀嚼效能。

    62 cases using bilateral free & end removable partial denture were selected Masticatory performance and biting force are tested , Occlusion sound was used to determine the state of occlusion .

  5. 发言人列数罢工者的要求

    A spokesperson enumerated the strikers ' demands .

  6. 这两种方法都是代销商订单,但您会被列为推荐者。

    Both of these ways would be an affiliate order , but list you as the referrer .

  7. 您可能会发现有些订单有个代销商,但您仍被列为推荐者。

    You may notice that on some orders there is an affiliate , but you are still listed as a referrer .

  8. 苹果的一位代理律师称,当那项福斯特被列为发明者之一的专利成为案件一部分的时候,他才收到通知。

    A lawyer for Apple argued that Mr. Forstall was given a notice when the patent he was listed on as a creator became part of the case . '

  9. 他将自己列为马克思主义者。

    He listed himself as a marxist .

  10. 福特在10月份将吉利列为优先竞标者。

    Ford named Geely in October as its preferred bidder .

  11. 欧盟上月将香港和新加坡列为欧洲避税者的可能目的地。

    The EU last month identified the territory and Singapore as likely destinations for European tax avoiders .

  12. 牙列完整受试者咀嚼后大脑中动脉血流速度加快较无牙颌患者戴全口义齿咀嚼后的更明显;

    The blood velocity of the MCA of the subjects with natural teeth increase more than that of the patients with full denture .

  13. 附表1第1栏所指明的街道,其范围由附表1第3栏内与该等街道对列之处所指明者,均拨作贩卖用途的认可区。

    The street specified in the first column of the first schedule is , to the extent specified opposite thereto in the third column of the first schedule , set aside as a place permitted to be used for Hawking purposes .

  14. 表列[%1]在另一表列之内,而后者不受支持

    Table column [ % 1 ] is inside another table column , which is not supported

  15. 结果:重度牙周病伴牙列缺损患者咀嚼效能随义齿使用时间的延长逐渐提高,修复后6个月的咀嚼效能接近正常牙列者的咀嚼效能。

    Results : As time went on , the masticatory efficiency rised gradually in the patients with denture defect and periodontopathy . This figure was close to natural dentition .