
liè dǎo
  • archipelago;a chain of islands
列岛 [liè dǎo]
  • [archipelago;chain of islands] 一系列并排的岛屿群

列岛[liè dǎo]
  1. 日本气象厅(TheJapanMeteorologicalAgency)称,台风可能于周二抵达东京地区,在日本列岛上向北移动时,风力会逐渐减弱。

    The Japan Meteorological Agency said the typhoon could reach the Tokyo area Tuesday , gradually losing strength as it moves up the archipelago .

  2. 长山列岛南部三岛岩相潮间带群落多样性格局

    Diversity patterns in intertidal communities of three southern islands of Changshan archipelago

  3. 中国声称拥有东中国海(EastChinaSea,中国称东海)钓鱼岛主权。该岛为日本所控,在日本叫尖阁列岛(Senkaku)。

    China holds claim to the Japanese-controlled Senkaku islands in the East China Sea , known in Chinese as the Diaoyu .

  4. 东亚地区CO柱总量高值区分布在中国东部沿海以及东南亚、日本列岛之间,位置和强度都逐月变化,这一点与气象场的季节变化有关;

    It is found that the regions with high CO concentration over East Asia are those from Indonesia , through the eastern coast of China , to Japan .

  5. 例如,下面这张图是南小岛(MinamikoIsland)露出水面的尖顶,日本官员认为这个该岛是“尖阁列岛”名字背后的灵感来源。

    Here , for example , is a spiky outcropping on Minamiko Island that Japanese officials believe was the inspiration behind the name Senkaku , which means " pointed " in Japanese :

  6. 火山碎屑矿物主要分布于15°N两侧的深海平原和海山区,来源于海底火山岩的剥蚀物和附近弧状列岛的火山喷发物。

    The volcanogenic minerals mainly distribute in the abyssal plain and the seamount near the latitude of 15 ° N , mainly come from the erosion of the volcanic rocks in the seabed and the volcano eruptions in the vicinity of islands .

  7. 紧张局势升级成为了2010年的一个特征,中国对日本称尖阁列岛(senkaku)中国称钓鱼岛的争议岛屿采取的攻击性举动令日本十分惊讶。

    As heightened tension became a feature of 2010 , Japan was taken aback by what it felt was aggressive Chinese action over islands known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China .

  8. 8月15日,中国活动人士登上日中争议岛屿。这些岛屿在日本被称作尖阁列岛(Senkaku),在中国被称作钓鱼岛。几天后,一组日本民族主义者以同样的方式登岛。

    The Aug. 15 landing of Chinese activists on one of the contested islands-called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in Chinese-was countered by a similar landing by a group of Japanese nationalists a few days later .

  9. 香港活动人士在其中一个岛屿上的“探险活动”仅持续了不到半小时,他们就被日本警方逮捕了。上述争议岛屿日本称为“尖阁列岛”(Senkaku),中国称为“钓鱼岛”。

    The activists ' island adventure on one of the disputed islets , known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China , lasted less than half an hour before they were arrested by Japanese police .

  10. 外班克斯列岛灯塔协会(该协会曾请求联邦政府拨款整修一度年久失修的Bodie灯塔)会长BettPadgett提醒人们太阳耀斑会让卫星暂时失灵。

    Bett Padgett , who heads the Outer Banks Lighthouse Society , which petitioned the federal government for funds to restore Bodie Island 's once-crumbling lighthouse , warns of solar flares knocking out satellites .

  11. 沉积于中中新世到上新世的浊积砂体是第三纪Niigata弧后盆地的主要油气储层之一,该盆地是日本列岛最富产石油的盆地。

    Many turbidite sandstone bodies , deposited during the Middle Miocene to Pliocene , are distributed and form one of major reservoirs for oil and gas in the Tertiary Niigata backarc sedimentary basin , the most productive oil basin in the Japanese Islands .

  12. 这也是当时为什么中国会用到钓鱼岛列岛的原因。

    That is what the Chinese were doing among the Diaoyus .

  13. 包含安提瓜岛和巴布达岛的列岛中最大的一个岛。

    The largest of the islands comprising Antigua and Barbuda .

  14. 它藏在了可列岛上。

    It 's being stored on the island of crete .

  15. 鱼山列岛潮间带软体动物生态的研究

    Ecological studies on the intertidal zone of the Yushan islands , Zhejiang

  16. 我们将不会放弃我们的责任,在列岛。

    We will not repudiate our duty in the archipelago .

  17. 嵊泗是中国唯一的国家级列岛风景名胜区。

    Shengsi is a unique island scenic spot national level in China .

  18. 最近,尖阁列岛的日本所有者决定出售这些岛屿。

    Recently , the Japanese owner of the islands decided to sell them .

  19. 居民对生态旅游认知与态度之研究&以澎湖列岛为例

    A Study on the Residents ' Perception and Attitude towards Ecotourism in Penghu Islands

  20. 澎湖列岛主要天气气候特点及其成因分析

    Major characteristics of synoptic climate in Penghu Islands and an analysis of its genesis

  21. 广东省高栏列岛野生观赏植物资源调查

    An Investigation of the Wild Ornamental Plant Resource in Gaolan Islands , Guangdong Province

  22. 台州列岛海域贝类种类组成与分布特征

    Studies on species composition and distribution characteristics of shellfish in waters around Taizhou Islands

  23. 计算还发现在五岛列岛西北方向存在一个M2潮流的圆流点。

    An M2 current-amphidromic point is found to the northwest of Goto - retto .

  24. 这些岛屿的中文名称是钓鱼岛,日本称之为尖阁列岛。

    The islands are referred to as Diaoyu in Chinese and Senkaku in Japanese .

  25. 中国声称,中日1972年同意搁置尖阁列岛问题。

    It argues that China and Japan agreed in 1972 to shelve the issue .

  26. 近几年来,中国加强了在尖阁列岛周边的海事活动。

    In recent years , China has intensified its maritime activities around the islands .

  27. 中街山列岛海域赤潮应急监测

    Algae Bloom Monitor in Zhoushan Archipelago Sea Area

  28. 报道了广东高栏列岛的植物资源。

    This paper reports the vascular plants resources of The Gaolan Islands in Guangdong Province .

  29. 嵊泗列岛桥港景旅游联动发展模式与对策

    Tourism Developing Pattern and Countermeasures of the Bridge-Seaport-Scenery Co-development on the Shengsi Islands and Islets

  30. 1900年,日本将钓鱼岛改名为尖阁列岛。

    In 1900 , Japan changed the name of Diaoyu Dao to " Senkaku Islands ".