
  • 网络train operation adjustment
  1. 列车运行调整问题是一个非常复杂的问题,需要考虑的因素很多,属于超大规模的组合优化问题。

    Actually , train operation adjustment is a very complex issue , and many factors need to be considered , so it belongs to large-scale combinatorial optimization problems .

  2. 列车运行调整问题是NP-hard问题,且需要满足实时性要求和相关约束条件,要求在很短的时间内求解结果。

    Train operation adjustment is NP-hard problem and needs to meet the real-time requirements and related constraints , and solve the result in a very short time .

  3. 基于Petri网模型的城市轨道交通列车运行调整方法研究

    Research on Petri Net-Based Method for Urban Rail Transit Train Regulation

  4. 关于列车运行调整(TOA)的优化模型和算法,国内外专家学者提出的具有代表性的主要算法可分为仿真方法、运筹学方法和人工智能方法。

    There are three representative categories of optimizing model and algorithms for Train Operation ( Adjustment ) ( TOA ), simulation means , operational method and artificial intelligence ways .

  5. 针对列车运行调整的优化问题属于NP-Hard问题,并且问题的实际运输背景决定了解决此类问题的算法必须具有很高的实时性,本文采用遗传算法对问题进行了求解。

    Since adjusting train operation plan is one kind of NP-Hard problem , and the background of the problems decides that algorithm to the problems must output the result in rather shout time . We use Genetic Algorithms to solve the problem in this paper .

  6. 列车运行调整计划系统的总体结构研究

    Study of the Overall Structure of plan-Adjusting System of Train Operation

  7. 列车运行调整微粒群算法研究

    Study on the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Train Operation Adjustment

  8. 调度集中列车运行调整系统的设计与实现

    Centralized Traffic Control System for Train Operation Adjustment Design and Implementation

  9. 以客运为主繁忙干线区段列车运行调整计划的优化

    Optimization for Adjusting Train Operation on Busy Sections of Trunk Railway

  10. 客运专线列车运行调整模型及算法研究

    Study on Passenger Special Line Train Regulation Model and Algorithm

  11. 高速铁路列车运行调整策略的研究

    Study on the strategy of train operation adjustment on high speed railway

  12. 双线铁路列车运行调整的禁忌搜索算法

    Tabu Search for Train Operation Adjustment on Double - track

  13. 内部协同式列车运行调整专家系统的研究

    Study on Internal Coordinating Expert System for Train Traffic Regulation

  14. 网络协同列车运行调整的蚁群算法研究

    Research on Ant Colony Algorithm for Railway Network Cooperative Train Operation Adjustment

  15. 列车运行调整辅助决策系统设计

    Design of the Assistant Decision System for Train Operation Adjustment

  16. 列车运行调整方案实时安全诊断算法研究

    Real-time Safety Diagnosis Algorithm of Train Operation Adjustment Plan

  17. 单线列车运行调整的最早冲突优化方法

    The Earliest Conflict Optimal Method for Train Operation Adjustment on Single Track Railway

  18. 单线铁路列车运行调整优化模型与算法研究

    An Optimal Model and It 's Algorithm for Adjusting Diagram on Single-Track Railway

  19. 因此,对城市轨道交通列车运行调整的研究很有必要。

    Therefore study on operation adjustment of urban rail traffic is very imperative .

  20. 繁忙单线铁路区段列车运行调整计划的优化

    Optimization for adjusting train operation on busy sections of single - track line

  21. 列车运行调整问题研究现状及发展趋势

    The Train Operation Adjustment : Current Status and Prospects

  22. 列车运行调整问题的无延迟调度算法研究

    Study on the algorithm for train operation adjustment based on no - delay dispatch

  23. 对分层滚动列车运行调整算法的部分改进

    Fuzzy Improvement of Stratified Rolling Traffic Adjustment Algorithm

  24. 基于多智能体的地铁列车运行调整方法

    Method for Subway Operation Adjustment Based on Multi-Agent

  25. 列车运行调整方案计算机编制系统的研究

    Research on Computer System for Train Running Adjust

  26. 基于离散事件拓扑图模型的单线列车运行调整迭代修复算法

    Iterative Repair Method of Single-track Railway Rescheduling Based on Discrete Event Topologic Diagram Model

  27. 基于遗传算法的单线列车运行调整体系

    Model and Algorithm for Train Operation Adjustment on Single-Track Railways Based on Genetic Algorithm

  28. 高速铁路列车运行调整的状态空间模型及算法

    Event driven State Space Model and Its Algorithm for High Railway Train Operation Adjustment

  29. 铁路双线自动闭塞区段列车运行调整模型及其遗传算法研究

    Train Operation Regulation Model for Auto-Block Double Line and Study on Its Heredity Algorithm

  30. 单线铁路列车运行调整计算机辅助决策系统研究

    Research on computer aided decision system of adjusting train diagram on single track railway