
  1. 王韶《平戎策》及其经略熙河

    WANG Shao 's " Ping Rong Ce " and his Management of Xihe

  2. 于是其结果是,除熙河之役外,多数的战争以宋军失败告终。

    With the exception of Xihe war , most of the wars ended in failure of Song .

  3. 在这种形势下,北宋政府发动了熙河之役,以期通过收复洮河一带扩大对西夏的地利优势。

    Under this circumstances , the campaign was launched in order to expand the geographical advantage to the West Xia .

  4. 但在大的历史背景下来看,熙河之役显然是北宋解决西北边患的一次积极尝试。

    However , the Xihe Campaign obviously was an active attempt to alleviate the border crisis in northwest areas of the Northern Song Dynasty .