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  1. 熙宁变法失败原因新探

    Inquiry into the Causes for the Failure of Xi-ning Reform

  2. 论熙宁变法和宋辽划界

    Xi-Ning Reform and Demarcation between Song and Liao Dynasty

  3. 熙宁之争与儒家教化主旨变迁刍议

    A Brief Discussion of the Debate on Xi'ning and the Change on Confucian Edification 's Main Idea

  4. 熙宁八年六月二十四日(1075)薨于相州之正寝。

    Xining eight June 24 ( 1075 ) death of a prince is in the xiangzhou state of sleep .

  5. 熙宁以后,杜诗的经典化进程加快,终于在随后的元佑时代得以完成。

    The glory of elevation of Du Fu 's poetry to classics was facilitated since Xining period and completed in the following Yuanyou period .

  6. 围绕熙宁变法,不仅形成了元皊后的新旧党争,还出现了新旧史朱墨史的斗争。

    Around Xi Ning Reform Movement , there not only formed the struggles between old and new parties but also appeared that between red and black in writing history .

  7. 作为熙宁变法中较为重要的一项内容,保甲法在军制改革和地方社会控制方面的措施及作用备受关注,后代学者对此褒贬不一。

    As XiNing political reform in a more important content , method of Bao-jia system in place , as reform and social control measures and function , much attention offspring scholars mixed .

  8. 罗汉寺是佛教禅宗寺庙建筑,初建于宋太平咸平二年,名僧全了建,熙宁元年(1068)赐额。

    Luohan Temple is the Buddhist temple construction and was founded in the second year of Xianping of Song Dynasty and it was named by the famous monk , Quan Liao in the first year of Xining ( in1068 ) .

  9. 一方面作为文学家的王安石得到的是众口一词的称赞;而另一方面,从他主持的熙宁变法开始,在近十个世纪中,作为政治家的王安石则遭受了极大的争议。

    On the one hand , as a litterateur , Wang Anshi received the unanimous praise . On the other hand , as a politician , he caused a great deal of controversy in the past ten centuries from Xining Reform .