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  • 网络Qinzhou District
  1. 秦州区地理位置独特,区位优势明显。

    Qinzhou district 's unique geographical location , location advantages .

  2. 秦州区工业基础良好,科技教育比较发达。

    Qinzhou District of good industrial base , more developed science and technology education .

  3. 秦州区具有丰富的矿产资源,品种多,贮量大。

    Qinzhou area is rich in mineral resources , more variety , large storage .

  4. 完善西部地区城市居民最低生活保障制度的对策思考&以甘肃省天水市秦州区为例

    Perfecting of Subsistence Allowances for the Urban Poor in the West & Taking Qinzhou as an Example

  5. 文化人类学视野下的秦州猫鬼神信仰&以秦州区汪川镇为例银川灌区水稻节水高产控制灌溉技术应用研究

    Cat Ghost in Qin Zhou Study on Application of Water-saving and High-yield Irrigation Control Technology for Rice in Yinchuan Irrigated Area