
xī xià
  • Xixia;the Western Xia regime;the Xi Xia Dynasty
西夏 [xī xià]
  • [the Xi Xia Dynasty;the Western Xia regime] 公元1038年党项族在今中国宁夏、陕西北部、甘肃西北部、青海东北部和内蒙古西部建立的政权,1227年为元灭

西夏[xī xià]
  1. 西夏儒学的发展和儒释关系初探

    Development of Confucianism and Confucianism-Buddhism Relationship of the Western Xia Regime

  2. 公元1227年,党项拓跋氏建立的西夏政权被蒙古所灭。

    AD 1227 , the Western Xia regime was destroyed by Mongol .

  3. 基于levelset方法的西夏字轮廓提取

    Contour Extraction of Xixia Characters Based on Level Set

  4. 积极开展西夏科技史的研究

    To study the history of science and technology of Xixia actively

  5. 儒学的文化思想,已较全面地渗透到西夏文化之中;

    The cultural ideology of Confucianism has penetrated the Xixia culture .

  6. 西夏环境史研究三题

    Discussions on the Natural Environment History of Tangut from Three Aspects

  7. 西夏军事体育兴盛的社会学探析

    Sociology Research of Prosperous for Military Sports in Xi - xia

  8. 第五章,西夏贵族妇女冠式。

    The fifth chapter set forth of Tangut aristocratic women crowns .

  9. 西夏档案机构及管理制度探索

    Research on the organ and running system of archives in Xixia

  10. 西夏的盐业是西夏历史中的重要组成部分之一。

    The salt industry is an important part of Xixia history .

  11. 西夏京畿的佛教文化

    Buddhist Culture around the Capital Suburbs of the West Xia Dynasty

  12. 宁夏银川市西夏区农村高砷水源筛查

    Screening of country headwaters with high-arsenic in Xixia District of Yinchuan

  13. 神经网络的西夏字识别技术研究

    Study on Xi ' xia Characters Recognition of Neural Networks

  14. 西夏与丝绸之路研究综述

    A Summary of Studies on the Western Xia and the Silk Road

  15. 其三,西辽与西夏的关系。

    Part C : The relationship between XILIAO and XIXIA .

  16. 西夏是一个重视法制的封建政权。

    Xixia is a feudal regime attention to the rule of law .

  17. 试论辽对西夏的遏制政策

    The Liao Dynasty 's Policies of Containment On Xixia Regime

  18. 西夏军事后勤供给概论

    A General Introduction to Martial Logistic Supplies in the Western Xia Dynasty

  19. 基于汉字字形的西夏文字信息处理研究

    Study on the Information Processing of Xixia Characters Based on Chinese Characters

  20. 《西夏书事》的征实精神与历史认同意识

    The Spirit of Truthfulness and Awareness of History Identity in Xixia History

  21. 西夏文献研究概述

    A Brief Account of Studies of Documents of the Hsi-Hsia Kingdom Summary

  22. 略论西夏党项民族音乐

    A Brief Account on the National Music in the Western Xia Dynasty

  23. 西夏扁壶是在千百年的历史演变中形成的。

    Xixia flat kettle had been formed through thousands years of history .

  24. 基于细化的西夏字笔划提取方法研究

    Study on the Extraction of Stroke for Xixia Characters Based on Thinning

  25. 第二个问题是西夏的盐政研究。

    Second , it is the study of salt policy in Xixia history .

  26. 韩琦与西夏战争。

    Second 、 Han Qi with the xixia war .

  27. 早期西夏语文学研究概述

    A Brief Account on Early Language of Xixia Research

  28. 银川市西夏区房地产发展与规划布局分析

    Research on Planning and Development of Real Estate in Xixia District of Yinchuan

  29. 西夏服饰研究

    A Study on the Costume in the Western Xia

  30. 西夏数学成就综述

    A discussion on the mathematical achievements of Xixia Kingdom