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  • 网络from generation to generation
  1. 把自己的知识一代代传下去的想法对麦克莱恩来说很重要。

    The idea of handing down his knowledge from generation to generation is important to McLean .

  2. 这些技术被一代代地传下来。

    These skills have been handed down from generation to generation .

  3. 转化是细菌基因重组最常见的方式之一,转化的结果可使细菌的染色体整合上外源DNA,从而使其某些生物学特征发生变化,并能代代遗传。

    Transformation is one of the most common manners invovled in gene recombination by integrating exogenous DNA to bacterial chromosome , thus causing changes in some biological features .

  4. 变化多端、极具前瞻性的唱作人大卫·鲍伊(DavidBowie)身上戏剧性、形象与人格的力量令一代代音乐人从中受益。据其发言人消息,他于周日去世,距离他69岁的生日刚刚过去两天。

    David Bowie , the infinitely changeable , fiercely forward-looking songwriter who taught generations of musicians about the power of drama , images and personae , died on Sunday , two days after his 69th birthday .

  5. 讽刺的伟大传统在英国一代代流传,然后又传到了美国和欧洲大陆:克鲁克香克(Cruikshank)和杜米埃(Daumier);

    The great tradition of ridicule passed to heirs in Britain , then to America and Europe : to Daumier and Cruikshank ;

  6. 性别角色已经被一代代地承传了下来。

    Gender roles have been handed down for generation after generation .

  7. 一代代美国人把美国铸就成现今的模样

    Generations of Americans made our country what it is today .

  8. 好吧,我的意思是,它们是一代代传下来的。

    Well I mean , they were handed down for generations .

  9. 这是一代代传下来的东西

    It 's just something that 's been passed down in generations

  10. 他的音乐已经深深影响了一代代听众。

    His music has deeply moved its listeners for generations .

  11. 故事被一代代流传下来。

    The story was passed down from father to son .

  12. 所谓的“‘老妻子’传说”是一代代传下来的信仰。

    ' old wives'tales'are beliefs passed down from one generation to another .

  13. 人生代代无穷已,江月年年只相似。

    Life has infinite generations , the rivers every year only similarity .

  14. 我们应当把优良传统一代代传下去。

    We should hand down the good tradition from generation to generation .

  15. 从祖父到父亲到儿子一代代传承

    from grandfather to father to son and so forth .

  16. 历代涌现出许多著名演奏家,也是历史文化名人,代代传颂至今。

    A number of famous performers emerged in past dynasties .

  17. 这个故事被一代代人传递下去。

    The story is handed on from generation to generation .

  18. 这个故事被一代代传了下来。

    The story was told by generation and generation .

  19. 古代盖尔人的歌曲一代代流传下来。

    The ancient Gaelic songs have been handed down from generation to generation .

  20. 一代代的学童曾经坐在这些书桌旁。

    Generations of schoolchildren have sat at these desks .

  21. 这些魔术师的故事经过一代代人的讲述,难免添油加醋。

    The magician 's story through the generations to talk , inevitably distorted .

  22. 被风语者代代相�

    passed down by wind talkers and the like .

  23. 一代代人民的鲜血夯实了这一宪章。

    a charter expanded by the blood of generations .

  24. 2.代代相�这只戒指是我曾祖母传下来的。

    This ring has come down from my great-grandmother .

  25. 这些教义使这种文化的智慧代代传承。

    Each of these writings transmitting the wisdom of culture from generation to generation .

  26. 那个自我的基因代代相�

    the selfish gene , passing itself around .

  27. 他们代代承袭的是带着促铃的颈轭和叱鞭。

    Their heritage from generation to generation is the belled yoke and the lash .

  28. 一个个国家消失了,一代代王朝崩溃了,但村社却存留了下来。

    States had disappeared , dynasties crumbled , but the village community had persisted .

  29. 为后来一代代的电影人铺平了道路

    paved the way for generations of filmmakers .

  30. 围绕着这个问题,一代代杰出的知识分子给出了各种答案。

    Around this problem , generations of outstanding intellectuals are given a variety of answers .