
  1. 你有一个称之为“家”的舒适小别墅,还是被人从祖屋扫地出门?

    Do you have a cozy cottage to call home , or have you been banished from you ancestral estate ?

  2. 对他们而言,古典精致的车辆才真正称得上汽车一就是那些我们可以从祖父辈时代的影片上看到的古董老爷车。

    For them , the only real cars are vintage those really old-fashion vehiclesyou see in movies about the days of our great grandparents .

  3. 这位丹麦国家队球员在夏季转会时从祖云杜斯来投一直遭到球迷的质疑,目前在安菲尔德过得不太好。

    The Denmark international has struggled at Anfield since his summer switch from Juventus and has come under fire from a section of the club 's fans .

  4. 结束语是对现代作家的家族小说,特别是巴金家族小说,从祖父子结构展现封建家族制度解体的评价。

    The conclusion is the evaluation on modern writers ' using " grandfather-father-son " structure to implicate the disintegration of feudal familial system especially in Ba jin 's saga novles .

  5. 从祖(籍)国地分布,现居住地分布,职业结构及经济地位,人口数量方面,运用大量的数据资料进行分析,指出日韩华侨华人的人力资源状况得到明显改善。

    Human resources of overseas and ethnic Chinese in Japan and South Korea has been significantly improved by analyzing from the ancestral home distribution , present dwelling place distribution , occupational structure and economic status and size of population with large amount of data .

  6. 就是智慧人从列祖所受,传说而不隐瞒的。

    What wise men have declared , hiding nothing received from their fathers .

  7. 他们向人祖爷诉说内心情感,从人祖爷那儿得到精神上的满足和心灵上的慰藉。

    They tell of the emotional to forefathers , satisfying to the spirit and getting spiritual solace from him .

  8. 方法建立免疫介导型再生障碍性贫血动物模型,观察中药补肾活血方的疗效,并从造血祖细胞集落培养和骨髓基质细胞黏附功能,造血调控因子等方面探讨其作用机制。

    Methods The animal model of immune mediated aplastic anemia was established to observe the effect of BHR on it , and the therapeutic mechanism was explored viewing from the aspects of hemopoietic stem / ancestor culture , adhesive function of bone marrow stromal cells and hemopoietic regulatory factors .

  9. 当地的农夫在软木橡树林的中央处,从他们的祖父辈就用过的同一批软木橡树上,将树皮一块块地取下。

    Farmers there , in the heart of the cork forest , remove bark from the same trees used by their great-grandfathers .