
  1. 从图2中可以看到,城镇人均可支配收入与FDI利用效率并没有明显的规律性。FDI。

    Fig.2 The relationship between Urban per capita disposable income and FDI , GDP , FDI efficiency .

  2. 从图中收获的C++元素可以作为新的UML元件粘贴到一个UML模型中。

    The C + + elements harvested from the diagram can be pasted into a UML model as new UML elements .

  3. h(G,x)表示图G的伴随多项式,它从图G的补图出发研究色惟一和色等价。

    Let h ( G , x ) denote the adjoint polynomial of a Graph G. The chromatic uniqueness and chomatic equivalence from the complement of Graph G are studied .

  4. 从图中可以明显看出该襟翼鳍在零航速下的减摇效果较好,同时也可以得到模糊自适应PID的减摇效果比传统PID好。

    From the simulation results , the anti-rolling effect of the zero-speed flap fin can be seen , and the anti-rolling effect of fuzzy adaptive PID is better than the traditional PID .

  5. 从图5中可以看到,碰撞检测边界框封装了它表示的sprite。

    As you can see from Figure 5 , a collision-detection bounding box encloses the sprite that it represents .

  6. shipOrder操作中使用的Order业务对象包含同样的Item和Address类型的属性,从图中底部的XPath树中可以看到这点。

    The Order business object used in the shipOrder operation contains attributes with the same Item and Address types as you see in the XPath tree in the bottom of the figure .

  7. 基于现阶段通过GoogleEarth收集到的大量关于浙江传统聚落形态的图像资料,通过对图像资料的分析、归纳和比较,从图中若有所得,然后有所思。

    At present , a lot of traditional settlement-form of Zhejiang province which is collected through Google earth , it seems like we have got something through the analysis of the data of image , summarized and compared , and then we think about something .

  8. 而六个月后,这种脱离更为明显,这一点从图1和图2(忽略了12份类似股票市场的下跌)所示的这两个更新后的Google趋势图中可以看出。

    Well , six months later , and the separation has become even more pronounced , as you can see from the updated Google trends charts shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 ( ignoring the stock market-like dip in December ) .

  9. 从图中的虚线可以看出,默认和调优ondemand调控器获得了非常相似的得分,可见,更改upthreshold不会影响性能。

    As you can see by the dotted lines , both the default and tuned ondemand governor achieved a very similar score , so changing the up_threshold does not show any performance impact .

  10. 从图中的说明可以清楚地看到,客户机上的大多数交互作用都将使用SAAJ,这是由于所涉及到的协议使用了SOAP消息传递。

    It is clear from the illustrations in the diagram that most of the interactions on the client will make use of SAAJ , since the protocols involved make use of SOAP messaging .

  11. 从图4可以看出,对于几乎每一个负载水平,调优后的ondemand调控器(利用率阈值为98)比默认ondemand调控器的能效都略高一些。

    Here you can see that for almost every load , the tuned ondemand governor with an upwards utilization threshold of98 is slightly more power efficient than the default ondemand governor .

  12. TGA,TMA阳性,阴性时与TSH差异没有显著性,而从图中看出:TSH在TGA,TMA阳性时较阴性时有增高倾向;

    There 's no remarkable difference both the positive TGA , the positive TMA and TSH concentration . But show from chart : there is a increasing tendency of TSH concentration when the the positive TGA , the positive TMA compare with the negative TGA and TMA .

  13. 区域磁场可以从图幅和表格中查到。

    The regional magnetic fields can be picked from maps and tables .

  14. 从图来看,可惜我们不是玩家。

    We are not game players , just are a cage of lab rats .

  15. 图的染色问题的研究是从图的点染色,如四色问题开始的。

    The research of coloring of graphs begin with vertex coloring as four-colour problem .

  16. 另一种对元素重命名的方法是直接从图中进行编辑。

    Another method for renaming of elements is by editing them directly from the diagram .

  17. 从图17中,我们可以看到这三个测试均已通过。

    From Figure 17 , we can see that all the three tests have passed .

  18. 图的作者可能选择了从图中去掉该元素。

    The author of the diagram might have chosen to remove that element from the diagram .

  19. 要想从图中删除项目,只需在搜索结果视图中清除它们。

    To remove single items from the diagram , clear them in the search result view .

  20. 等待时间结束时,从图块显示中读取机油油位。

    When the waiting time is up , read off the oil level on the segment display .

  21. 有了该工具,分析人员不再以同样的方式从图中了解信息。

    Armed with this tooling , analysts no longer turn to diagrams for knowledge in the same way .

  22. 现在是细心细心再细心地时候了,在从图中找答案的时候。

    And now you have to be very careful when you try to derive that from this plot .

  23. 从图看出,这三个城市各有其特色。

    From the chart , we can see quite a lot of different characteristics of the three cities .

  24. 如何从图档数据库中方便、快捷地获取所需图档是一个难题。

    However , it is still a difficult work to obtain required drawing documents from the database quickly and conveniently .

  25. 首先,本文对谱图理论进行了介绍,从图的基本概念出发,探讨了图的谱分析方法和常见的谱特征。

    Starting from the basic concept of graph , we discuss some methods of spectral analysis and common spectral features .

  26. 可以从图1中看到,表单捕捉到一个名称、描述和一个日期。

    As you can see in Figure 1 , the form captures a name , description , and a date .

  27. 从图上看来我们住的地球不仅不是个规则的球形,看起来还有点像个坑坑洼洼的土豆。

    The geoid is also used as a reference surface from which to map the topographical features on the planet .

  28. 从图的色多项式出发,我们得到了图的某些子图计数算法。

    Starting from the the chromatic polynomial of a graph , the author obtains some of its subgraph enumeration algorithms .

  29. 图编码可以表示任何结构的组合逻辑电路,并且从图编码到电路图的映射规则将非常简单。

    The graph encoding can represent any combinational logic circuits and mapping rules from graph to circuit are very simple .

  30. 寻径算法主要解决如何从图中寻找一条从起点到目标点的路径问题。

    Path-Finding algorithms mainly solve how to find a path from the start point to the finish point on the map .