
cónɡ shǔ lián cí
  • subordinating conjunction;subordinator, subordinate/subordinating conjunction
  1. 逻辑连接词可分为两类:连接副词和从属连词。

    Two categories of logical connectors are conjunctive adverbs and subordinating conjunctions .

  2. 谈英语中形似分词的从属连词

    English Subordinate Conjunctions Appearing to be Participles

  3. 海事条约英语中引导条件从句的从属连词

    Subordinators for Conditionals in Maritime Treaty English

  4. 不带从属连词的英语条件句刍议

    English Conditional Sentences without Subordinators

  5. 用来指例如关系代词和从属连词之类的词,用以使句子成分变成从属成分。

    Used of words such as relative pronouns and subordinating conjunctions that serve to subordinate sentence constituents .

  6. 英语中并列连词和从属连词具有不可或缺性,而在相同情况下,汉语则往往不用连词;

    Coordinators and subordinators are indispensable in English sentence construction while they can often be omitted in Chinese .

  7. 这个时候可以连接另一个句子使意思完整,也可以将从属连词去掉。

    You can usually fix this error by combining it with another sentence to make a complete thought or by removing the dependent marker .

  8. 从属连词作为连接小句的主要连接词之一在语篇衔接和连贯中起着重要作用。

    Subordinators , one of the major connectives for linking clauses , play an important role in text cohesion and coherence , and have been a focus of many studies .

  9. 在句间层面,主要表现在并列连词和从属连词的使用。英语中并列连词和从属连词具有不可或缺性,而在相同情况下,汉语则往往不用连词;

    Hypotaxis at the inter-sentential level mainly concerns the use of coordinators and subordinators . Coordinators and subordinators are indispensable in English sentence construction while they can often be omitted in Chinese .

  10. 在不同的语境当中,but可以用作并列连词和从属连词。用作并列连词时,可以表达不同的意义;

    In different contexts , " but " can serve as a coordinating conjunction , which can express various meanings , and as a subordinating conjunction , which can introduce different kinds of subordinate clauses .

  11. 通过对从属连词与及物介词,介词副词与不及物介词的比较,将进一步加深人们对这一创新理论的了解,提高英语语法的应用能力。

    This paper attempts to compare subordinating conjunctions with transitive prepositions and prepositional adverbs with intransitive prepositions in an effort to enhance learners ' understanding of this new theory and improve their English grammar competence .