
  1. 如今人们都看不起那些从事公务工作的人。

    It is fashionable these days to pour scorn on those in public life

  2. 从事公务的人有时会被敌对者所诽谤。

    Men in public life are sometimes defamed by opponents .

  3. 他从事公务活动的方式。

    The manner in which he conducted his public life .

  4. 其他依照法律从事公务的人员。

    People who engage in public administrative work according to the law .

  5. 受委托从事公务人员的法律地位是由立法解释和司法解释予以明确的。

    These persons ' status is regulated only by legislative explanation and judicial explanations .

  6. 职务犯罪中从事公务问题探析

    An Inquiry into the Issue of Performing Public Duty in Crimes by Taking Advantage of Duty

  7. 在受委派从事公务的认定中,笔者重点阐述了一个特殊犯罪主体&国有保险公司工作人员。

    The author focused on a special type of criminal subject : state-owned insurance company staff .

  8. 三是受贿罪主体,受贿罪主体是国家工作人员,其本质特征是依法从事公务的人员。

    The subject of the bribery guilt which is the government worker whose essential features are carrying out public affairs .

  9. “从事公务”是国家工作人员的本质特征,是界定国家工作人员范围的基本依据。

    Performing public duty is an inherent characteristic of state personnel and an essential criterion in defining a civil servant .

  10. 霍尔德正在澳大利亚从事公务旅行,此举也被认为是对媒体所有权法的一项调查。

    Holder is on an official trip to Australia , which is also considering an inquiry into media ownership laws .

  11. 该部分论述了国家工作人员的本质特征从事公务和其形式特征职务身份,认为应坚持两征说所主张的观点。

    Author offers the essential features of state functionary , and stinks to the views held by " two features theory " .

  12. 他们在数量上、从事公务的重要性等方面不如公务员,但他们总体上却承担了很大一部分行政事务。

    They are less than civil servants in quantity , but they take on lots of public affairs as many as civil servants do .

  13. 我国传统刑法理论将公务员职务犯罪理解为国家工作人员和其他从事公务的人员利用公务实施的有关犯罪。

    It comprehends the civil service job-related crimes as national staff and other personnel who engaged in official business use official implementing the crimes .

  14. 关于在国家机关中从事公务的人员的判断,刑法理论界存在着公务论与身份论的论争。

    As for the judgement of the state personnel , there is a big debate between official duties theory and status theory in the criminal law theory field .

  15. 而只要是受国有单位的委派从事公务,无论是一次委派还是二次委派,均不影响其职务犯罪主体的认定。

    As long as suspects are appointed for public duty by stated-owned units , the first or second appointment does not matter in determining the subject of official crimes .

  16. 相应地,所谓从事公务就是指代表国家对公共事务所进行的组织、领导、管理、监督等职务行为,以及其他办理国家事务的行为。

    Accordingly , performing public duty involves official activities such as organization , management , and supervision of public affairs on behalf of the state , and other state affairs .

  17. 作为国家工作人员应该具备二个条件:一是必须具有法定身份,二是必须依法从事公务。

    As state functionary , they should possess two features : One is to possess legal identity , the other is to be engaged in public affairs in accordance with law .

  18. 杰克正要从曼彻斯特辞去讲师职位,去伦敦西北面的国家通信总局从事公务工作。

    Jack was leaving his Manchester lectureship to join the branch of the Civil Service now known as the Government Communications Headquarters , and located at Eastcote , in north-west London .

  19. 从现行法律规定看,职务犯罪自然人主体包括国家机关工作人员、以国家工作人员论的人员和受委托从事公务的人员三类。

    According to the current legal provisions , the natural person subjects of post crimes comprise servants in state organs , personnel in name of state servants and authorized public servants .

  20. 首先,论述了现行刑法中的基本犯罪主体即在国家机关中从事公务的人员,也可称为狭义的国家工作人员。

    First of all , discusses the current criminal law the basic subject of crime that is in the State apparatus to perform official duties , also known as narrow national staff .

  21. 他有一种本领既能从事公务,又能支持他隐退,走运时不庸俗,失败与失意时不失风趣。

    He has a gift which serves him in public , and supports him in retirement , without which good fortune is but vulgar , and with which failure and disappointment have a charm .

  22. 在关于依照法律从事公务的人员的范围方面,笔者建议完善立法将村党支部人员纳入该范围中。

    In regard to in accordance with the law to engage in public service in the context , the author suggests to perfect the legislation will village Party branch personnel into the range of .

  23. 南京国民政府对因从事公务而受伤、致残或死亡的军人及其家属实施了诸多抚恤措施。

    The national government of Nanjing has implemented a great deal of measures of comforting and compensating for the person who or whose relative had engaged in military and injuring , disabling or death .

  24. 笔者首先从其他依照法律从事公务的人员的类型特点、公务性质和公务根据三个方面对其特征做了剖析。

    First , from the author of " the other persons who perform official service according to law " type features , public official under the three aspects of nature and its characteristics do the analysis .

  25. 因为,它的侦查对象是负有具体管理职责的国家工作人员在从事公务活动之中,滥用、利用自身的便利条件或者自身的职权,属于最严重的腐败形式。

    The object of investigation is being engaged in official activities , the national staff have specific management responsibilities , abuse own convenience or their terms of reference , are the most serious forms of corruption .

  26. 税务渎职犯罪主体包括税务机关在编人员、聘用从事公务人员和在税务机关委托行使其职权的组织中从事公务的人员。

    The criminal subjects of taxation malfeasance include permanent staff of the taxation organs , temporary employees engaged in public affairs of taxation , and other servants on behalf of some social organizations empowered by taxation organs .

  27. 涉农职务犯罪主要是指在涉及到农村生产建设、经济发展过程中,所产生的国家工作人员或者受国家委托从事公务活动的非国家工作人员利用职权,实施的应当受到刑法处罚的职务犯罪行为。

    Duty crime related to farming mainly refers to the state functionaries or non-state functionaries who engage in official business during the development and construction of countryside take advantage of their power and position to execute illegal duty crime .

  28. 最后,论述了国家工作人员的各具体种类,并对与此相关的若干概念如国家机关、国有公司、企业、事业单位、人民团体、其他依照法律从事公务的人员等进行了探析。

    Lastly , differentiating the kinds of State functionaries and analysing some certain notions , e.g. State organs , State-owned companies , enterprises , institutions , people 's organizations and the other persons who perform public service according to law .

  29. 最后得出结论,应当对国有单位委派到合资、合作、股份制等非国有单位中从事公务的人员是否属于国家工作人员作适当的限制解释,不能一概以国家工作人员论。

    Finally , it reaches the conclusion whether the personnel appointed by the state-owned enterprises to non-state-owned enterprises of joint venture , partnership , joint-stock engaged in official business can be seen as state personnel should be under the appropriate restrictions .

  30. 关键在于如何理解从事公务这一本质特征,本文着重探讨了记者、医生、离职国家工作人员、裁判以及假国家工作人员这五类比较容易引起法律适用争议的主体问题。

    The key is how to understand the essential characteristics of " Public affairs " , This article focuses on journalists , doctors , leaving national staff , referees and false national staff are prone to apply these five controversial issues .