
  • 网络West to east
  1. 香港商交所正押注于,金融重心从西方到东方的转移,将使自己能够挑战伦敦、芝加哥和纽约在大宗商品市场的主导地位。

    The Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange is betting that the shift in financial gravity from west to east will allow it to challenge the dominance of London , Chicago and New York in commodities markets .

  2. 20世纪城市化的巨大发展和全球一体化进程的加深造成景观特色危机蔓延全球,从发达国家到发展中国家,从西方到东方,特色危机成为世界性的问题。

    The tremendous development of the urbanization and globalization in twentieth century , leads to the crisis of the characteristic of landscape . From developed countries to the developing countries , from west to east , the crisis of characteristic of landscape becomes a word problem .

  3. 现时,从西方到东方,各国正积极推行教育改革,致力于提高教育效能、培养综合创新人才。

    At present , from the west to the east , many countries are actively implementing education reform , committing to improve educational efficacy and developing creatively genius .

  4. 现在是时候将更多的消费权从西方转移到东方了。

    It is time for an even greater shift in spending power from the West to the East .

  5. 随着经济实力和人类繁荣从西方扩展到东方,加拿大的贸易方向也开始转移。

    As economic power and human prosperity spreads from West to East , Canada 's trade orientation is shifting also .

  6. 人们传说,这些河流就是四条龙的化身,大河从西方流到东方,从北方流到南方,为全部中国人提供永远的水源。

    The people say these were the dragons , flowing from west to east and north to south , offering water to all the people of China forever afterward .

  7. 和谐社会一直是人类孜孜以求的社会理想,从古代到现代,从西方到东方的学者对和谐社会思想一直在探索研究。

    Harmonious society has been a social ideal of humankind , From ancient to modern , from the West to the East scholars have been exploring harmony of social thought .

  8. 概念的界定先从西方词汇开始,再到汉语词汇中癫狂的演变,从西方到东方,按照时间的变迁进行历时性的梳理。

    The concept limits start first from the Western glossary , then arrives in Chinese glossary , from the West to the East , carries on diachronism according to the time vicissitude combing .