
  • 网络uxorilocal residence;matrilocal residence
  1. 从妻居是瑶族十分流行的一种婚嫁模式,这种婚嫁模式动摇了传统生育文化的内核。

    " Matrilineal Family ( living with wife 's family )", a very popular marriage mode for Yao people , shakes the core of the traditional bearing culture .

  2. 通过对湖北省一些实行婚后从妻居地区的调查,发现这些地区的生育文化表现出与从夫居地区不同的特征。

    Through some investigations made in some districts of Hubei province , where uxorilocal residence is practiced , the author finds that in these districts the culture of procreation shows different features from the other areas where virilocal residence is practiced .