
  • 网络cohabitation
  1. 一个男人和他妻子同居生活的结束。

    The cessation of cohabitation of man and wife .

  2. 没有合法结婚的同居生活。

    Cohabitation without being legally married .

  3. 不婚协议是两个想忠于感情关系但并不打算步入婚姻的人之间签署的法律协议。这份协议规定了他们同居生活的各种条款以及万一分手或死亡的财产分配。

    No-nup agreement is a legal agreement made by two people who intend to live in a committed relationship but not to marry that defines the terms of their living arrangement and the disposition1 of their sole or shared property in the event of their parting or death .

  4. 在经过三年的同居生活后,玛丽和杰克终于决定领结婚证了。

    Mary and Jack at last decided to get a marriage license after cohabiting for three years .

  5. 通常意义上的感情不能由经年累月的同居生活所检验。

    Friendship in its usual sense is not tested by the strain of daily , year-long cohabitation .

  6. 1985年,沈殿霞和郑少秋结束了10年的同居生活,正式结为夫妻。

    Shum married Hong Kong actor and singer Adam Cheng Siu-chow in1985 after they lived together for10 years .

  7. 在许多西方社会,更多的同居生活一定程度上取代了晚结婚和高离婚率的趋势。

    In many Western societies , more cohabitation has offset a trend towards later marriage or higher rates of divorce .

  8. 财产问题在非婚同居生活中占据重要的地位,它也成为几乎每个非婚同居关系解除时都必然涉及的问题。

    Property problem in the premarital cohabitation occupy the important position , it also become almost every unmarried cohabitation removes all will inevitably involve problems .

  9. 法院认定二人存在事实婚姻。鉴于李某对同居生活有经济贡献,对李某的主张表示支持。

    The court decided that the couple had been living in a de-facto marriage and supported the man 's claim regarding his financial contributions to the relationship .

  10. 两人之间的关系在今年四月被媒体披露,而两人均为公开承认交往事实,不过现在看来,这对情侣计划在迈阿密开始同居生活了。

    They 've been linked together since April , though have never publicly admitted they 're dating , and apparently are making plans to move in together in Miami .

  11. 米勒认为,如果你们把各自的私人对象摆放在对方的住处,那么日后要开始同居生活就容易多了,因为这种做法意味着你们已经准备好进一步发展你们的关系了。

    You 've already begun easing into cohabitation by merging your belongings , which is a sign that you 're ready to take it a step further , according to Miller .

  12. 单纯为了获取某种利益而骗取一张结婚证实质上却没有以夫妻名义同居生活,这种所谓的法律婚在民间社区是无法得到认同的。

    In order to obtain a simple interest of obtaining a " marriage certificate " is not in fact the name of cohabiting couples living , the so-called " legal marriage " in the civil community can not be accepted .

  13. 显然,同意签署不婚协议的两个人确定他们愿意选择同居的生活方式但并不打算结婚。

    By agreeing to a no-nup , it is clear that they are sure that they share the lifestyle choice to live together and not to marry .

  14. 婚姻、同居、生活伴侣辨析

    An Analysis on Marriage , Cohabitation and Life Partner

  15. 一群单身汉就期待得到这种同居的独居生活。

    single men in Manhattan had yearned for that kind of separate togetherness .

  16. 在大多数国家,已婚人士比那些未婚同居的人们生活幸福感更强烈。

    In most countries married people are happier with their life than those who cohabit with a partner .

  17. 在生活的其他每一个方面,我们寻求个人舒适,独立,推崇个人主义,她说,然而,你的这种同居关系的生活模式要得到社会认可。

    In every other aspect of life , we 've gone for convenience , independence and where individualism is promoted , she says . Yet , you have this socially approved model of relationship that you live together .

  18. 这项名为“爱情的作用究竟有多大”的研究在2001年到2007年间,跟踪记录了近2500对夫妻或同居伴侣的生活,试图找到影响夫妻分分合合的因素。

    The study , entitled " What 's Love Got to Do With It ", tracked nearly 2,500 couples - married or living together - from 2001 to 2007 to identify factors associated with those who remained together compared with those who divorced or separated .

  19. 列举了非婚同居的利弊,并提出观点,认为非婚同居作为一种生活方式的选择,必定利弊兼有,其对不同的人和情况表现出来的利或弊必定有所不同。

    It lists the pros and cons of non-marital cohabitation , and the view that non-marital cohabitation as a lifestyle choice , surely the pros and cons of both .

  20. 婚内同居制度的法律基本条文表述为:夫妻互享、互负婚内同居生活的权利和义务。但有不能同居生活的正当理由的,不在此限。

    The interpretation of marital cohabitation basic provisions for the legal system is : couples together enjoy the rights and undertake the obligations of cohabitation life except for whose cohabitation life can not be justified .