
tónɡ shēnɡ chuán yì shè bèi
  • facilities for simultaneous interpretation
  1. 这个会议大厅配有五种语言的同声传译设备。

    The conference hall is provided with facilities for simultaneous interpretation in five languages .

  2. 会场按国际会议模式配置同声传译设备。

    The meeting place will deploy facilities for simultaneous interpretation as international conference pattern .

  3. 同声传译设备的租金和维修费;

    Rental and maintenance of simultaneous interpretation equipment ;

  4. 1919年巴黎和会的部分谈判首次使用了同声传译,但当时还没有同声传译设备。

    Simultaneous Interpretation first appeared on the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 , when negotiations were partly carried out by simultaneous interpretation with no professional equipment .