
  • 网络congruence class;residue class
  1. 模m同余类环生成的n阶完全线性子群的阶的计算

    Properties of n-th completely linear subgroup on modulus of congruence class ring

  2. 文中给出了模m的同余类环上的n阶完全线性子群的定义及性质,利用子群进行分类,通过陪集的计数定理,给出了其阶的计算公式。

    The paper presented the definition and properties of n-th completely linear subgroup on modulus of congruence class ring , and calculated the formula of factorial .

  3. 证明得出:如果S是一个带有Fuzzy同余关系μ的加法可逆半环,则S关于μ的Fuzzy同余类做成一个加法可逆半环。

    It was proved that if S is a semirings with reversible addition and μ is the fuzzy congruence of S , the fuzzy congruence classes of S about μ is a semirings with reversible addition .

  4. 偶圈对完全图最小覆盖的若干同余类

    Congruence Classes of Minimum Coverings of Complete Graph with Even Length Cycle

  5. 正则半群上的同余是由其幂等元同余类所完全决定的。

    The congruences on a regular semigroup is completely determined by its idempotent congruence classes .

  6. 安逊,你比我们其余的人同他更熟些。偶圈对完全图最小覆盖的若干同余类

    Anson , you know him better than some of the rest of us . Congruence Classes of Minimum Coverings of Complete Graph with Even Length Cycle