
  • 网络component;Connected component
  1. *R中的每个银河都是(*R,S)的连通分支;

    Every Galaxy of R is a connected component of ( R , S );

  2. 图G的一个支撑子图F称为一个双星(DS)因子,当F的每一个连通分支是一个双星。

    A ( spanning ) subgraph F of a graph G can be a DS-factor when every connected component of F is a DS .

  3. 迄今为止的所有已知的MFC都恰好含有偶数个强连通分支。

    All the examples of MFC known up to now have even number of strong components .

  4. 对两个图G1和G2其中G1的每个连通分支都是非平凡的,且G2的阶数大于等于3,那么G1和G2的字典积G1[G2]有非零3-流。

    For a graph G_1 composed of nontrivial components and a graph G_2 of order at least 3 , the lexicographic product of G_1 and G_2 admits a nowhere-zero 3-flow .

  5. 拓扑流形上Fréchet空间的道路连通分支

    Pathwise Connected Components of Fr é chet Space on Topological Manifold

  6. 算子的Kato本质谱与Browder本质谱的连通分支

    Components of Kato Essential Spectrum and Browder Essential Spectrum of Operators

  7. Rn,x∈X,若有Rn的开球B(x)使其中仅含有Cx中点x的弧连通分支的点,则Cx是弧连通的。

    Rn . x ∈ X. If there is a ball B ( x ) of Rn which contains only points of a connected branch with x of Cx , then Cx is path - connected .

  8. 利用子图的连通分支的顶点个数给出了单圈图次大Laplace特征值的一个上界,并给出了单圈图次大Laplace特征值一个理论上的一个求法;

    We also obtain an upper bound of the second largest Laplace eigenvalues in terms of vertex number of the largest connected branch of unicycle graph , and obtain a theoretical method to calculate the second largest Laplace eigenvalues of unicycle graph .

  9. 同时当y是f的广义正则值时,获得原像f-1(y)中含x0的连通分支是M中一个具有维数为M(x0)的C1Banach子流形。

    Moreover , when y is a generalized regular value of f , the authors obtain that the connected component containing x0 of the preimage f-1 ( y ) is a C1 Banach submanifold of M with dimension M ( x0 ) .

  10. 本文通过利用完全图求欧几里德最小生成树算法和无存储冲突的连通分支确定算法,提出一种基于EREW-SIMD共享存储模型的无存储冲突并行层次聚类算法,其成本为O(n2)。

    This paper proposed a new parallel adaptive deterministic algorithm without memory conflicts based on EREW-SIMD shared memory model by use of complete graph and Euclidean minimum spanning tree , with cost of O ( n2 ) .

  11. 一个求图的连通分支的并行算法

    A parallel algorithm for computing connected components of Graphs

  12. 图的连通分支遍历算法在材料信息处理中的应用

    Apply Traversing Branch of Graph in Processing Material Information

  13. 基于连通分支的聚类分析算法及其在铝电解中的应用

    The Clustering Algorithm Based on Connected Components and its Application in Aluminum Electrolysis

  14. 计算有向基因组圈图的连通分支的有效算法

    Efficient algorithm for computing the connected components of the cycle graph of two signed permutations

  15. 通过构建相应短文本网络,将短文本冗余检测问题转换为无向图的连通分支查找问题。

    Exact duplicate detection problem is transferred into connected component mining problem of short text fingerprint network .

  16. 基于灰关联规则和连通分支的聚类算法情报检索系统用户相关性判断的灰色聚类决策

    Clustering Algorithm Based on Gray Association Rule and Connected Component Grey Clustering Decision Method for Information End-User Relevance Judgments

  17. 本文提出一种基于凸性连通分支搜索结合曲线拟合的多椭圆检测算法。

    In this paper , a new methodology was proposed based on the connected convex curve searching and ellipse fitting .

  18. 本文利用不动点指数理论研究了一类非线性算子特征元的全局结构,证明了解集存在无界连通分支并给出了多个正解的存在性结果。

    In this paper , we investigate some global characteristics of the eigenvectors of a class of superlinear operators by means of the fixed point index theory .

  19. 新算法通过相似度矩阵构建邻接矩阵,然后在邻接矩阵中发现连通分支进而对数据进行划分。

    The new algorithm constructs an adjacency matrix based on the gained similarity matrix , and finds the connected components in the adjacency matrix to partition the data .

  20. 提出了一种基于连通分支的聚类分析算法,用以解决铝电解工业生产中槽况的分类问题。

    This paper presents a new clustering method based on connected components that is to resolve the categorized problems of tanks status in industry production of aluminum electrolysis .

  21. 从边集合出发给出了计算有向基因组的圈图连通分支的线性时间算法。

    An algorithm for computing the connected components of the cycle graph of the given two signed genomes is studied , which is more efficient than the primary algorithm .

  22. 若9宫图实例的初始状态和目标状态位于同一连通分支,则必可在有限步内求得实例的解。

    And if both the original state and the object state are located in the same connected branch , the solution of the instance can be obtained in the limited steps .

  23. 最后通过修改距离函数的定义,提出一种重建连通分支物体的方法。本文还对重建表面模型向实体模型转换过程进行了研究。

    The definition of distance function is modified and a method is presented to reconstruct connective branch objects . Finally , this dissertation studies the transform process from reconstructed surface model to solid model .

  24. 该聚类分析算法的核心是根据点的距离构建空间的连通分支,并利用时间窗口的滑动来判断当前的槽况。

    The core of this kind of clustering analysis algorithms is to build connected components of space by the distances of different data points , then to judge the current tanks status though the slide of time-windows .

  25. 最后,基于图论中双连通分支概念,提出了电网潮流转移区域的划分方法,使潮流转移路径集的搜索可在单个规模较小的潮流转移区域内进行,搜索速度与整体电网规模无关。

    Moreover , based on the concept of bi-connected component in graph theory , the method for partitioning power flow transferring areas is presented , and thus the power flow transferring path set can be explored in single power flow transferring area .

  26. 本文主要研究了图(即一维紧致连通的分支流形)上连续自映射的非游荡集的结构。

    The present paper studies the structure of the set of non-wandering points of a continuous map from a Graph ( i.e. , one-dimensional connected compact branched manifold ) into itself .

  27. 而且,强连通无法推广到强连通分支。

    And strong connection is not spreaded to strong connected brance .

  28. 如果G-S不再连通,且G-S的每一个连通分支都至少含有r个点,则称S为一个r-限制性边割。

    S is said to be a r-restricted edge cut , if G-S is disconnected and each component in G-S contains at least r vertices .

  29. 关于(连通集族的)上限点集中的连通分支

    On the Components in the Upper Limit Set of A Family of Connected Sets

  30. 3限制性边割将连通图分离成不连通图,使其各连通分支含有至少3个顶点.含3限制性边割的图在本文中得到刻划。

    A 3-Restricted edge cut is such an edge cut that separates a connected graph into a disconnected one with each component having order at least 3 . Graphs that contain 3-Restricted edge cut are characterized in this paper .