
lián tǐ yīnɡ ér
  • Siamese twins;conjoined twin
  1. 医院决定对这对连体婴儿作分离手术。

    The hospital decided to perform a separation operation on the Siamese twins .

  2. 父母TaslimaKhatuUno和MohammedRafiqulIslam直到双胞胎出生才知道她们是连体婴儿。

    Parents Taslima Khatun Uno and Mohammed Rafiqul Islam didn 't learn that the twins were conjoined until after the birth .

  3. “韩国连体婴儿今天在缅因州成功分离”

    " Korean conjoined twins separated today in maine . "

  4. 她们父母在孩子出生前知道是连体婴儿吗?

    Did they know they were conjoined before hand ?

  5. 纽曼在连体婴儿分离手术方面有着第一手的经验。

    Newman has firsthand experience surgically separating conjoined twins .

  6. 它由两条小木船组成,船头交织在一起,像连体婴儿。

    It consists of two wooden boats that were built with their bows intertwined , like conjoined twins .

  7. 由于是连体婴儿,因此只有麻药量正确才能使双方都麻醉。

    And since the babies are connected , administering the proper level of anesthesia to both becomes a delicate balancing act .

  8. 服务器构建好后,应将它们视为“连体婴儿”:总是同时在两个服务器上进行一致的更改。

    Once the servers are built , consider them joined at the hip : make changes on both servers consistently all the time .

  9. 分析工具和导出工具就像是连体婴儿,在您进行数据分析时,后者实际上本身就可以做一些对数据分析有帮助的事。

    Analytics tooling is joined at the hip with export tooling , as the latter is intrinsic in actually being able to do something useful with your data once you 've run your analytics .

  10. 而今,在全球约2%的养老金资产和近3000亿美元的零售基金资产流入了大宗商品基金之后,在过去的22个月中,大宗商品与股票却变成了连体婴儿。

    Now that about 2 per cent of pension assets and nearly $ 300bn in retail funds have been poured into commodity funds , commodities and stocks have become joined at the hip over the past 22 months .

  11. 四川遂宁一农妇诞下“连体双头婴儿”。

    Conjoined twins with two heads born at a hospital in Suining .