
  • 网络Environment;objective environment;objective circumstance
  1. 在分析了ABC和ABM在国外应用的前提下,以探讨ABC和ABM成长发展的客观环境为切入点,结合我国的现状,研究了作业成本制在我国的应用前景和应用思路。

    By analyzing the application of ABC and ABM in foreign countries , by studying the objective environment for the growth of ABC and ABM , combining with our present situation , this paper discusses the application prosperity and application thought of operation cost system in China .

  2. 在客观环境中,木与木相互摩擦就会生出火苗。

    In the objective environment , wood friction makes fire .

  3. 石油价格形成机制改革不但是适应石油资源的赋存条件和石油工业发展现状的需要,而且是国内油价与国际油价保持一致和适应加入WTO的客观环境的需要。

    The petroleum price formation mechanism reform is adaptable to petroleum resources existence and is necessary for petroleum industry development .

  4. 文章从创业的主观条件与客观环境条件两个方面分析了农民工返乡创业可行性,在此基础上借助SWOT模型对农民工创业的优势、劣势、机会、威胁进行总体分析。

    This paper analysis the feasibility of the migrant workers on the base of subjective and the objective environmental conditions and give overall analysis by the model SWOT which can show the peasants ' strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats .

  5. BOD5是一个复杂的生化过程,受到许多客观环境因素的影响,如样品温度、环境温度、搅拌速度,仪器校正等。

    BOD5 has a complicated biochemical process and is affected by many external factors such as the sampled water temperature , environmental temperature , stir speed , and instruments verification .

  6. 论财务会计目标确定的客观环境与条件

    The Objective Environments and Conditions to Make Finance Accounting Goal

  7. 现代社会对恐怖主义的萌生与发展极具影响,为恐怖主义提供存在的客观环境。

    Modern society provides the objective environment for the Terrorism to arise .

  8. 论文指出,在自我认同的过程中,主体要受到其所处的客观环境的影响;

    The paper points out that , the objective environment influences the subject .

  9. 其模式不仅是客观环境的产物,也是主观抉择的结果。

    The model is as much the product of circumstance as of choice .

  10. 营造良好的理论创新的客观环境

    Construct Good Social Environment of Encouraging Theoretic Innovation

  11. 自然资源是人类生存的物质条件和客观环境。

    Natural resources are the physical environment for the survival of the human being .

  12. 哲学的环境意识是客观环境在人们头脑中的反映。

    Environment consciousness in philosophy is the reflection of objective environment in human mind .

  13. 会计模式是会计理论与客观环境相协调的产物。

    Accounting model is produced by coordinate development between accounting theory and objective environment .

  14. 均变说原理是以客观环境为基础的。

    The uniformitarian principle rests on the circumstance .

  15. 抗日战争所造成的客观环境可以说是全部的答案。

    The answer can be found almost entirely in conditions produced by the Japanese war .

  16. 企业多元化经营的客观环境逐渐具备。

    Diversification has become a feasible strategy .

  17. 在外围动荡、宏观经济多变的客观环境下,施工企业面临着挑战也面临着机遇。

    Construction enterprises are faced with both challenges and opportunities in the changeful macroeconomic environment .

  18. 随着知识农业经济的到来,农业的客观环境发生了巨大变化。

    With the coming of agriculture knowledge-economy age , agriculture environment has occurred huge changes .

  19. 政府已尽力创造了良好的客观环境,提供了优惠政策。

    The government has already done its best to create a good environment with favorable policies .

  20. 这些需求分别与企业不同阶段的发展主观目标和客观环境相适应。

    All of the needs will fit the corporation 's targets and circumstances in vary phase .

  21. 为此,客观环境的顺逆,对他们心境也是没有影响的。

    Hence , disadvantage or advantage of the objective environment has no influence on their mind .

  22. 本文着重探讨财务管理创新的理论前提、实现背景和客观环境。

    This paper is to discuss theory precondition , background and subjective circumstance of financial management .

  23. 旅游产业融合发展的自组织演进主要取决于外部的客观环境和内在的动力机制。

    The development of the tourism industry convergence mainly depends on external environment and dynamic mechanism .

  24. 环境雕塑与客观环境

    Environmental Sculpture and Objective Surrounding

  25. 客观环境支持。

    Support of objective environment ;

  26. 这些企业的存在为上海地方工科高等学校开展产学合作教育提供了有利的客观环境。

    This has provided the advantageous objective environment for the Shanghai local engineering university development cooperation education .

  27. 对解决当前教师中存在的一些困惑和倡导客观环境对教师的支持有一定的意义。

    It works in overcoming some puzzles existing in teachers and calling on external support for teachers .

  28. 均变说原理,象其它任何科学定律一样,是以客观环境作为根据的。

    The uniformitarian principle , like any other scientific " law ", rests on the objective circumstance .

  29. 第五部分,从客观环境和自身修养两方面论述教师人格魅力的提升问题。

    The fifth part , from the objective environment and their two aspects : teacher personality charm ascension .

  30. 路径是视当时的需求,客观环境的变化而采取的方略。

    Route is the way adopted in the light of then requirement and the change of objective environment .