
kè yùn liè chē
  • passenger train
  1. 笔者认为预防铁路运输领域刑事犯罪的根本在于完善铁路火车站防控、客运列车防控和铁路沿线防控。

    The author thinks that prevent railway transportation is to perfect the basic criminal prevention and control , railway station along the railway passenger train prevention and control and crime prevention and control .

  2. 客运列车耐冲击吸能车体设计方法

    Crashworthy Energy Absorbing Car - body Design Method for Passenger Train

  3. 基于神经网络的铁路客运列车车号自动识别系统的研究

    Research of Automatic Recognition System of Passenger Trian Characters Using Neural Network

  4. 起初是由往返者驾驶的客运列车。

    A passenger train that is ridden primarily by commuters .

  5. 帕内塔表示:他们有可能让装有致命化学物质的客运列车脱轨。

    They could derail passenger trains loaded with lethal chemicals .

  6. 它的主要组成:一个客运列车和两个钢铁卡车。

    Its main components : a passenger cab and two steel trucks .

  7. 出于安全考虑,客运列车服务曾被推迟。

    Security concerns have delayed the roll-out of the service .

  8. 客运列车数字化播音系统的实现

    Implementation of Digital Broadcast System on the Passenger Train

  9. 客运列车从业人员预防性病/艾滋病综合干预效果

    Effectiveness of comprehensive intervention of STD / AIDS prevention to workers in trains

  10. 铁路客运列车实时信息发布与多媒体组网方案初探

    Study on Issuing Real time Information of Railway Passenger Trains and Forming Multimedia Net

  11. 欧洲客运列车时刻表会议;

    European passenger train time-table conference ;

  12. 集装箱列车和客运列车可以在同一条路线运行。

    According to He , container trains and passenger trains could run on the same route .

  13. 印度与孟加拉国重启中断了40多年的客运列车服务。

    India and Bangladesh have resumed passenger train service across their border after more than four decades .

  14. 周二,停电造成7列希腊客运列车中途临时停车数小时。

    Seven Greek passenger trains were halted on the tracks for several hours during a black-out on Tuesday .

  15. 由于铁路局长期拖欠一位农民占地补偿款,印度一列客运列车在路上被法庭没收了。

    Indian court officials confiscated a passenger train after the railway department failed to pay compensation to a farmer for acquiring his land .

  16. 届时,每天穿梭其中的将有260辆货运列车和65辆客运列车。

    When that happens , up to 260 freight trains and 65 passenger trains will be able to pass through it every day .

  17. 长春&吉林城际铁路客运列车公交化方案的基本构想公共交通系统和铁路系统非常发达。

    Design of Public Transport Mode for Intercity Passenger Trains between Changchun and Jilin ; The bus system and train system are really good .

  18. 近年来,铁路客运列车晚点导致的旅客索赔案件日益增多,那么列车晚点后旅客究竟应不应该得到赔偿?

    In recent years , Claim cases which railway passengers asked for delay succor have quickly increased daily , but should they get their compensations ?

  19. 有人看到,这群孩子在印度北方邦勒克瑙市的Daliganj铁路桥跳轨,身后就是疾驰而来的客运列车。

    The group were spotted running out in front of a large passenger train on the tracks of the Daliganj Railway Bridge in Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh .

  20. 2011年,中国高速客运列车毁灭性撞击事故致40人死亡,而2008曾有90人因此丧命已经引发公众批评该项目。

    Devastating high-speed passenger train crashes in China in 2011 that killed 40 , and in 2008 that left 90 dead have drawn critics to the project .

  21. 随着疫情形势的改善,中国北方城市石家庄周一恢复了客运列车服务。

    The northern Chinese city of Shijiazhuang , hard-hit by the recent COVID-19 resurgence , on Monday resumed the city 's passenger train service as the epidemic situation improves .

  22. 设计实现了一种新型的客运列车数字化播音系统,论述了系统的硬件结构和软件流程,介绍了系统的主要功能和工作过程,以及在客运广播系统中的应用。

    A new type digital broadcast system on the passenger train is introduced . The design of hardware and software is described . The main function and working operation are discussed .

  23. 唯一的区别只是速度,客运列车以250至300公里的时速运行,而集装箱列车的运行时速是120公里/小时。

    The only difference would be speed . A passenger train could run at 250 to 300 kilometers per hour , while a container train could run at 120 km / h.

  24. 因此在现有机车电空制动机技术的基础上,研制新一代具有微机模拟控制和网络通讯功能的制动机,满足客运列车以及重载货物列车运用条件是非常有意义的。

    So based on the current locomotive electric-pneumatic brake system , the research of new generation brake system which equipped with micro computer control and network communication is very necessary and important .

  25. 随着新一轮的火车速度的提高,北京与广州间的客运列车以及其他重要的铁路线上的客车将提高运行速度-每小时200公里。

    With the new round of speed hikes , passenger trains traveling between Beijing and Guangzhou , and on other key rail routes , will upgrade their speed to a record high of200 kilometers per hour .

  26. 据新华社的另一篇报道,上周四,中国东北部黑龙江省的一个火车站发生两列客运列车相撞事故,导致24人受伤。哈尔滨也在黑龙江省。

    On Thursday , 24 citizens were injured when two passenger trains collided at a railway station in China 's northeast Heilongjiang province ─ where Harbin is also located ─ according to a separate Xinhua report .

  27. 赵坚辩称,事实上,几乎不会有客运列车会从现有轨道上撤下,因为它们无法在新型高铁线路上运行,而政府也不会报废所有这些旧列车。

    Mr Zhao argues that few passenger trains will actually be taken off existing tracks , because they cannot run on the new high-speed lines and the government is not going to scrap all those old carriages .

  28. 由于既有线路有限,客运列车和货运列车需要共线运行,因此当列车相向交会运行时,不仅需要确保行车的安全还需要考虑旅客的安全。

    Due to the limited existing lines , passenger trains and freight trains need to be collinear run when the train opposite intersection run , not only need to ensure traffic safety also need to consider the safety of visitors .

  29. 基于Agent的客运专线列车运行仿真研究

    Study on Train Running Simulation of Railway Passenger Dedicated Line Based on Agent

  30. 临时限速服务器系统TSRS(TemporarySpeedRestrictionServer)是客运专线列车运行控制系统的重要设备之一。

    Temporary Speed Restriction Server ( TSRS ) is one of the most important devices in train control system of Passenger Dedicated Lines .