
kè jiā
  • the Hakkas;Hakka
客家 [kè jiā]
  • [Hakka] 指在西晋末年和北宋末年从黄河流域迁徙到南方,现在分布在广东、福建、广西、江西、湖南、台湾等省区的汉人

客家[kè jiā]
  1. 梅州客家艺术中心大剧院结构设计

    On structural design of big theater in Meizhou the Hakkas art center

  2. 客家是汉民族的一大支系。

    The Hakkas in one of branches of Han nationality .

  3. 小议X个X贼&粤东兴宁客家话中一个有趣的口头语

    Discuss " X Ge X Zei " randomly & An interesting pet phrase in Xingning Hakka of east Guangdong

  4. 目的:探讨广东客家地区乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)S基因序列的多态性,了解该地区S基因的流行病学特征。

    ABM : To examine the surface ( S ) gene variability of hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) in Hakka area of Guangdong province in China .

  5. 例如,回溯到客家八音。

    For example , go back to the Hakka eight tones .

  6. 盐焗鸡是广东特色客家菜肴。

    Salt heated Chicken is the characteristic dish of Cantonese cuisine .

  7. 客家毛村水运经济际遇的变迁

    The Change of Water Carriage economy of Mao Village , Hakka

  8. 客家社会大伯公信仰在东南亚的发展

    Development of Grand Uncle Belief of Hakkas Society in Southeast Asia

  9. 客家是汉族一个重要民系。

    Hakkas is one important people department of the Han nationality .

  10. 中国客家妇女品格风貌及其形成探源

    A Discussion of Chinese Hakka Woman Morals Style and Its Formation

  11. 近现代客家学术史研究

    A Modern and Contemporary History of the Academic Studies of Hakkas

  12. 对闽西客家体育文化与假日体育旅游整合的探讨

    How to Combine the Fujian Hakka Culture-Sports Holiday with the Tour-Sports

  13. 兴国境内两个客家话点的语音研究

    A Study on Phonology of Two Places in Xing-guo Hakka Dialect

  14. 客家文化旅游:回顾、现状与展望

    The retrospect , status and Prospect of Hakka cultural tourism development

  15. 客家话的意思就是用盐经过特殊加工而做成的。

    In Hakha dialect , it means chickens prepared in salt .

  16. 产品设计教学中客家文化元素的应用

    The Application of Hakka Culture in the Teaching of Products Design

  17. 古老的围屋是客家建筑文化的代表。

    The centuries-old enclosed dwellings are most representative of Hakka architecture .

  18. 兴宁老板,兴宁厨师,正宗的客家口味。

    Xingning boss , Ning cooks , authentic taste of Hakka .

  19. 结合西昌客家话和成都客家话所处的语言环境。

    Combined with the locale of Xichang and Chengdu Hakka Speech .

  20. 重点阐明了客家文化在资源开发利用中的价值和地位。

    Especially , the value and position of Hakka culture are clarified .

  21. 客家文献建设及其开发利用探讨

    A Discussion on the Construction and Utilization of Hakka Literature

  22. 客家与美国的关系,是互动的。

    Hakka people and American people were reacted each other .

  23. 试论客家方言对粤语语音的影响

    On the Influences of the Hakka Dialect on the Phonology of Cantonese

  24. 客家体育与构建农村学校体育教学体系的研究

    On Hakka Sport and Construction of PE Teaching System in Rural Schools

  25. 龙南客家文化旅游资源及其开发构想

    Concept on the Development of Hakka Culture Tourism Resources in Longnan County

  26. 客家民间春节喜庆纸饰

    Hakka 's Paper Decoration for Celebrating the Folk Spring Festival

  27. 盘龙镇客家话与梅县客家话音系的比较研究

    Comparison Studies on Hakka in Phonology between Panlong and Meixian

  28. 本文主要以赣南客家为例。

    Let the Gannan Hakka Dialect'Taboo is an example in this text .

  29. 就全国的木刻运动而言,客家人在诸多方面开了先河。

    Hakka people once played a positive role in the woodcut movement .

  30. 客家方言与周边方言的关系词

    Words that are common to Hakka and one or more peripheral dialects