
  • 网络Chaoshan people;Chaoshanese people
  1. 你喜不喜欢潮汕人是你自己的事没人叫你全部都喜欢!

    Chao Shanren you like it or not is your own business no one told you all like it !

  2. 这是闽南人的传统,而潮州或潮汕人则让这种功夫茶名声大噪。

    This is a tradition of the Minnan people and Chaozhou or Chaoshan people have made this Kungfu cha famous .

  3. 找一个那样的潮汕人,因为离家比较近。

    Once I dreamt to find one , who is like that and comes from Chaoshan where near my home .

  4. 至于嫁不嫁给我们潮汕人那是我们自己的本事,我们有魅力就有!

    As for the non-married married to Chao Shanren that we are our own ability , we have had the charm !

  5. 汕头属于潮汕,每个人都会说潮汕话。

    Shantou belong to tide chanshan , everybody metropolis say tide Shan words .

  6. 潮汕方言与普通话语音系统存在较大差别,这给潮汕人学习普通话带来很大的困难。

    There are many differences in pronunciation system between Chaoshan dialect and Mandarin Chinese , which bring big troubles to Chaoshan people in learning Mandarin Chinese , especially in pronunciation .