
  1. 方法以潮州、汕头(包括南澳县)城乡地区为中心随机抽取若干家庭,并以家庭为单位,以3d食物称重记录法进行膳食调查,建立潮汕地区城乡家庭膳食资料数据库;

    Methods The dietary survey was carried out based on 3-day weighed dietary record in the families randomly selected from in Chaozhou and Shantou .

  2. 潮汕地区鼻咽癌患者的临床、病理和EB病毒血清学分析

    PATIENTS WITH NASOPHARYNGEAL CARCINOMA IN SHANTOU AREA : Analysis of Clinical , Pathology and EB-Virus Serology

  3. CALIS高校专题特色数据库建设及实践&以潮汕文献数据库为例

    University Libraries Characteristic Special Subject Database Construction and Practice in CALIS Projects & Testing for the construction of " Chaoshan Documentation Database "

  4. 潮汕摄影文化在地域文化中定格

    The Position of Shantou & Chaozhou Photographic Subculture in Regional Culture

  5. 近代潮汕海洋文化特征的形成与发展

    On the Cultural Characteristics of Ocean Culture in Early Modern Chaozhou-Shantou

  6. 吸收外来文化进行潮汕文化的创新。

    Absorbing the exotic culture , we inaugurate the conventional culture .

  7. 潮汕地区散发性病毒性脑膜炎的病毒病原学分析

    Analysis of viral etiology of sp or adic viral meningitis

  8. 《潮汕文献数据库》软件系统设计思想及应用

    The Software System Design Thought of the and Its Application

  9. 潮汕题画诗艺术浅探

    On Art of Poems Inscribed on Chaozhou and Shantou Paintings

  10. 潮汕地区民营企业可持续成长研究

    Research on Sustainable Growth of Private-owned Enterprise in Chao-Shan Area

  11. 潮汕地区家族企业伦理调查报告

    An Investigation Report on Family Enterprise Ethics in Chao-Shan District

  12. 碑刻文本里的16世纪潮汕社会

    Sixteenth-century Chaozhou and Shantou society as seen from tablet inscriptions

  13. 广东省潮汕地区高血压流行病学初步调查

    Epidemiological Investigation on Hypertension in Chaozhou-Shantou Region of Guangdong Province

  14. 击鼓开猜,更是我们潮汕地区特有的猜谜形式。

    Rataplan at game beginning is the unique form of Chaoshan lantern riddle .

  15. 潮汕传统手工艺术及其在现代服饰中的应用

    Chao Shan 's Traditional Handcraft Art and its Application in Modern Dress Adornment

  16. 潮汕地区台风灾变的预测与研究

    Prediction and Research of Typhoon Disaster in Shantou Prefecture

  17. 我教你英语,你教我潮汕话。

    I teach you English , and you teach me your mother language .

  18. 区域性传统文化对人力资源流向影响研究&以潮汕地区为例

    Influence of Regional Culture Modality on the Human Resources

  19. 潮汕地区橄榄害虫种类及防治对策

    Control strategy and species of insect pests in Canarium album in Chao-Shan area

  20. 潮汕社会近代化成功的文化启示

    Cultural revelations from the successful modernization of Chaozhou-Shantou society

  21. 汕头属于潮汕,每个人都会说潮汕话。

    Shantou belong to tide chanshan , everybody metropolis say tide Shan words .

  22. 英语,普通话,粤语,潮汕话,能和不同地区客户良好沟通。

    Fluent to use English , Chinese , Canton language and Chaoshan language .

  23. 广东省潮汕地区鸟类的研究历史及其名录

    A Historical Overview of the Avifauna in the Chaozhou-Shantou Region , Eastern Guangdong Province

  24. 试论地理环境对潮汕传统文化精细特色的影响

    The influences of geographical environment upon the fine characteristics of the traditional Chaozhou-Shantou culture

  25. 潮汕地区野生兰科植物资源

    Resources of Escape Orchidaceae in the Chaozhou_Shantou Region

  26. 潮汕地区精神分裂症患者求医行为及影响因素

    The study of help-seeking behavior before seeing psychiatrist and its related factors in schizophrenics

  27. 了解潮汕民居的特色。

    Know about the features of residential houses in the Chaozhou and Shantou area .

  28. 民间宗教信仰中的国家意识和乡土观念&以潮汕双忠公崇拜为例

    National Consciousness and Provincialism in Folk Religious Beliefs

  29. 潮汕地区优质丰产杨梅的栽培技术

    Cultural Techniques of Myrica rubra of high quality and yield in Chaozhou and Shantou areas

  30. 新形势下潮汕文化研究资料的征集整理工作

    Collecting and Collating of Material for the Research of Chao shan Culture in New Circumstances