
yè shì
  • night market;night fair
夜市 [yè shì]
  • [night fair] 夜间从事商业活动的市场

夜市[yè shì]
  1. 下次我们可以带他们来这个夜市。

    We can take them to this night fair next time .

  2. 尤其当我去校外逛夜市时,这种感觉更加强烈。

    The feeling gets stronger especially when I attend the night fair outside school .

  3. 该委员会表示,允许利用有条件的公园、广场、空场,在不扰民、不影响交通、不影响市民休闲、不污染环境的前提下,开办夜市、排档。

    Night markets and food stalls can be opened in designated areas in parks , public squares and empty spaces as long as they don 't interrupt traffic and local life . They also have to pass environmental protection assessments , the office said . People are also being allowed to set up temporary roadside businesses .

  4. 我听说夜市里都有一家卖CD卖得非常得便宜。我可以带路。

    J : I heard there 's a shop in the night market selling CDs at very low prices . I can take you there !

  5. 在印度尼西亚的海岛巴厘岛上,从位于克美奴(Kemenuh)村庄的库德萨民宿(KudesaHomestay)到吉安雅夜市(GianyarNightMarket)的距离,仅有5英里。

    It was about five miles from the Kudesa Homestay guesthouse in Kemenuh village to the Gianyar Night Market , on the Indonesian island of Bali .

  6. 每逢周末,在不远处的夜市会有不少摊贩摆摊售卖各种各样的假货和盗版产品,如梳妆用品和DVD等。

    At weekends , in a street market not far away , there are stalls selling all manner of counterfeit and pirated products , from toiletries to DVDs .

  7. 对于KaoTzu-fang来说,能够一尝印度美食又不用离开台湾的最好办法就是逛一逛她家附近的夜市。

    For Kao Tzu-fang , the best way to enjoy India without leaving Taiwan is a visit to her neighborhood night market .

  8. 作为一个台北本地人,Kao从没去过印度,也承认自己并不知道真正的印度玛莎拉茶到底什么味道,不过她对台湾夜市版的拉茶很满意。

    Although Ms. Kao , a Taipei resident , has never been to India and admitted she doesn 't know what real Indian masala tea tastes like , she is happy with the Taiwanese version .

  9. 现年28岁的某初创公司经理MichaelShih称,他在美国的时候特别想念台湾夜市的小吃,但现在的夜市充斥着西方食品,既不好吃,也不正宗。

    ' When I was in America , I missed Taiwan 's night market food so much . But now there is all this Western food here , and it isn 't even good or authentic , ' said Michael Shih , a 28-year-old manager at a startup .

  10. 第二代街头小贩HuangYing-tong称,他家在台北士林夜市上经营烧烤大排档已经有30年了,外来小吃的入侵对他而言一点都不构成困扰。

    Second-generation street vendor Huang Ying-tong said the invasion of foreign food in Shilin Night Market , where his family has been selling an array of barbecued grub for 30 years , doesn 't bother him at all .

  11. 托普拉克(HalitToprak)在各色夜市贩卖土耳其冰淇淋(dondurma)已有五年之久,他说,他通过兜售祖国受欢迎的甜品来跟台湾人民分享土耳其文化。

    Halit Toprak , has been selling Turkish ice cream , or dondurma , in various night markets for the five years . He said selling a beloved dessert from his home country is his way of sharing his culture with Taiwanese people .

  12. 你需要接管钟路区,还有夜市!

    You got to take over chongno including the night market .

  13. 我的小叔在夜市买了一些盗版的CD。

    My brother-in-law bought some pirated CDs at a night market !

  14. 台北有很多夜市和购物区可买到平价的礼品。

    Taipei has many night markets and bazaars for inexpensive gifts .

  15. «7月2日《我们的歌大家唱》在夜市开唱!

    We Sing Our Songs opens at our'night market'on2 Jul !

  16. 台湾夜市闻名已久。

    Taiwan has long been known for its night markets .

  17. 每逢周五的晚上,许多人都会去逛夜市。

    On Friday nights , many people go to the night markets .

  18. 在夜市买衣服,而且买的很合身。

    You shop for clothes at night markets and the clothes fits .

  19. 夜市我们今晚应该找个夜市晃晃。

    night market We should hang out at a night market tonight .

  20. 台湾的每个夜市都卖好吃的香肠。

    You can buy delicious sausages at any night market in Taiwan .

  21. 许多人喜欢去夜市买东西。

    Many people like to shop at the night markets .

  22. 夜市是开封人生活的一个缩影。

    The night market is a epitome of local people 's life style .

  23. 她在夜市里贩卖珠宝,轻松赚了一笔钱。

    She made a fast buck by selling jewelry in the night market .

  24. 马克与凯萨琳正在夜市里吃挫冰。

    Mark and Kathleen were eating some shaved ice at the night market .

  25. 我们要坐什麽车去景美夜市?

    What bus goes to the Jingmei night market ?

  26. 他认为,夜市小吃不断推陈出新,恰恰佐证了这一点。

    The constant changing selections of night market food proves just that . '

  27. 这里好象台湾的夜市!

    This is almost like a Taiwanese night market !

  28. 不过,我偶尔也会逛逛夜市。

    Besides , I hit the night market sometimes .

  29. 猪血糕是台湾夜市特有的小吃。

    Pig blood cake is a unique snack in Taiwan 's night markets .

  30. 那天晚上,我们去夜市买了些纪念品。

    Later that night , wevisited the night market and bought some souvenirs .