
qīng dàn
  • light;delicate;mild;weak;slack;morally lofty;fresh and indifferent to fame or gain
清淡 [qīng dàn]
  • (1) [morally lofty]∶清高淡泊

  • 清淡平远

  • (2) [fresh and indifferent to fame or gain]∶清新恬淡

  • 闲雅清淡

  • (3) [weak]∶颜色、气味等不浓

  • 清淡的几样小菜

  • (4) [light]∶食物含油脂少的

  • 清淡的菜

  • (5) [slack]∶买卖不兴旺;营业额少

  • 生意清淡

清淡[qīng dàn]
  1. 饮食要清淡。

    Stick to a light diet .

  2. 伯蒂做的西红柿清汤清淡可口。

    Berti 's clear tomato soup is deliciously light

  3. 每年这个时节,生意往往比较清淡。

    Business is usually quieter at this time of year .

  4. 如果喜欢清淡的口味,可少放或不放辣椒。

    If you prefer mild flavours reduce or leave out the chilli

  5. 激进的女权主义是时下清淡阶层热议的话题。

    Radical feminism is currently the fashionable topic among the chattering classes .

  6. 我们供应制作清淡、样式简洁的传统法国菜肴。

    We serve traditional French food cooked in a lighter way , keeping the presentation simple

  7. 做到辛辣菜和清淡菜比重相当。

    Balance spicy dishes with mild ones

  8. 生意极为清淡。

    Business is deplorably dull .

  9. 他因胃病而吃清淡的食物。

    He eats bland food because of his stomach trouble .

  10. 味道清淡清新、带有果香,通常由2%-4%的香油和酒精和水混合而成。

    Light , fresh and fruity , typically composed of two to four percent perfume oils in alcohol and water .

  11. 这是一种清淡食物(food)。

    They are a light victuals .

  12. 美国主权CDS的交易活动激增是很罕见的,该市场传统上交投清淡。

    The spike in trading activity is unusual for US sovereign CDS , which is traditionally a thinly traded market .

  13. 农家干酪(cottagecheese)是一种以脱脂牛奶为原料的新鲜软质非成熟型干酪,其风味柔和,清淡,易被我国消费者接受。

    Cottage cheese is a soft unripened , mildly acid cheese , made from skim milk . The cottage cheese should be easily accepted by consumers in our country .

  14. 我发现这种酱的口感极为柔滑,而且比起带有蛋腥味的市售蛋黄酱,HamptonCreek制造的蛋黄酱的口味较为清淡,不那么冲。

    I found the texture exquisitely creamy and , compared with eggy store-bought mayo , Hampton Creek 's mayo had a cleaner , less aggressive flavor profile .

  15. 原产于波尔多和卢瓦尔河(Loire)流域的它现在种植广泛,可以酿造出干爽清淡型葡萄酒。

    Now widely planted , it was originally grown in Bordeaux and the Loire , where it produces a crisp , dry style .

  16. 尽管本章中含有用户交互和参与的意思,但是Petschenik的描写似乎清淡了一些。

    Although the chapter implies customer interaction and involvement , Petschenik 's coverage seems light .

  17. 在中国历史上,吃素一直被视为某些文人墨客所选择的清淡生活的一种方式,如14世纪的诗人林鸿(LinHong),他的著作PureOfferingsofaMountainHermit中就收录了很多素餐烹制法;

    Historically , an element of vegetarianism has been seen as part of the simple lifestyle chosen by a certain type of Chinese scholar , such as the 13th-century poet Lin Hong , whose " Pure Offerings of a Mountain Hermit " includes many vegetarian recipes .

  18. 马歇尔提供的东西堪比一份地缘政治学的阿特金斯(Atkins)减肥食谱:有大量地缘政治和军事分析的红肉,却没有什么比较清淡的食物——其他言论或者实地报告。

    Marshall offers a virtual Atkins diet of geopolitics : there is plenty of the red meat of geographical and military analysis with little lighter fare , in terms of other voices or on-the-ground reporting .

  19. 它的口感多样,适合所有人,从勃艮第的醇厚、黄油和坚果风味到紧致、透、干爽和清淡风味(夏布利酒(Chablis)最为明显)不一而足;

    It can be all things to all men , from rich , buttery and nutty in Burgundy to taut , clean , crisp and dry ( most notably in Chablis ) ;

  20. 你想不想吃点清淡的但健康的食物?

    Would you like to eat some delicate but healthy food ?

  21. 晚上最好吃得清淡些,少肉多蔬菜。

    Eat a light meal at night loaded with fresh veggies .

  22. 这样一来,冰岛的食物倾向于清淡。

    As a result , Icelandic dishes tend to be bland .

  23. 每年这个时候生意一般都很清淡。

    Business usually slackens off at this time of the year .

  24. 朋友们开始回避他,他的生意也渐渐清淡了。

    His friends begin to avoid him and his business declines .

  25. 我们停下来在一家咖啡店用了一些清淡的点心。

    We stopped and had some light refreshments at a cafe .

  26. 我可以为您推荐清淡的菜吗,太太?

    May I recommend something light for you , madam ?

  27. 特点:清淡、嫩鲜、味美。

    Characteristics : Clearness , lightness , tenderness and appetizing .

  28. 我和我妻子都喜欢清淡、干净的食物。

    My wife and I prefer plain , wholesome food .

  29. 他因为大肠炎而吃清淡饮食。

    He ate a bland diet because of his colitis .

  30. 丽丽:吃些清淡的食物,尽量多吃蔬菜和水果。

    Lili : I prefer some light foods like vegetables and fruits .