
yè ɡuānɡ chónɡ
  • noctiluca
夜光虫 [yè guāng chóng]
  • [noctiluca] 原生动物,身体微小,红色,透明,呈球状,有一根单鞭毛。浮游在海洋上,能放磷光,大量出现时使海水变成红色。用分裂、出芽等方式繁殖

  1. 活泼的!是的,这是海中点滴微虫和粟粒夜光虫无穷无尽的集体的结合,是有细微触须的真正透明小胶球,在三十立方厘的水中,它们的数目可以有二万五千。

    In essence , it was a cluster of countless open-sea infusoria , of noctiluca an eighth of an inch wide , actual globules of transparent jelly equipped with a threadlike tentacle , up to 25000 of which have been counted in thirty cubic centimeters of water .