
  • 网络chaoshan culture
  1. 潮剧孕育于潮汕文化,用潮州方言演唱、以潮州音乐伴奏,是极富潮汕地域特色的地方戏曲。

    Chao opera , springing from Chaoshan culture , sung in Chaozhou dialect , and accompanied by Chaozhou music , is the local opera with Chaoshan characteristics .

  2. 吸收外来文化进行潮汕文化的创新。

    Absorbing the exotic culture , we inaugurate the conventional culture .

  3. 新形势下潮汕文化研究资料的征集整理工作

    Collecting and Collating of Material for the Research of Chao shan Culture in New Circumstances

  4. 有关潮汕文化的若干理论问题

    Some Theoretical Problems Concerning Chaozhou-Shantou Culture

  5. 地方文献中非书刊资料的征集和整理之我见新形势下潮汕文化研究资料的征集整理工作

    My Thoughts on the Gathering and Management of Non-book Materials in Local Literature Collecting and Collating of Material for the Research of Chao shan Culture in New Circumstances

  6. 潮汕摄影文化在地域文化中定格

    The Position of Shantou & Chaozhou Photographic Subculture in Regional Culture

  7. 近代潮汕海洋文化特征的形成与发展

    On the Cultural Characteristics of Ocean Culture in Early Modern Chaozhou-Shantou

  8. 试论地理环境对潮汕传统文化精细特色的影响

    The influences of geographical environment upon the fine characteristics of the traditional Chaozhou-Shantou culture

  9. 本文采用比较方法,从十个方面论证潮汕史前文化的源头&南澳象山遗址的年代,距今约1.2万年左右;

    In this Paper the comparative approach is adopted to Probe into the sources of prehistorical culture in Chaozhou-Shantou-Shantou Area in ten aspects .

  10. 把造成汕头诚信缺席的原因简单地归咎于潮汕传统文化,不但不够科学,而且还表现出对潮汕传统文化的无知。

    The assertion that the absence of credit in Shantou is originated sheerly from the conventional Chao zhou_Shantou culture is not only unscientific but also shows the asserters know little or none about conventional Chao zhou_Shantou culture .

  11. 作者认为,从建筑文化角度而言,五邑侨乡的文化特征是输入型文化,潮汕侨乡的文化特征则是输出型文化。

    For the architectural culture , the characteristic of Wuyi culture is the input culture and Chaoshan is the output culture .

  12. 潮汕方言是潮汕文化的有机组成部分,蕴藏着极其丰厚的人文价值。

    The Chaozhou and Shantou dialect is the Chaozhou and Shantou culture organic composition part , containing extremely rich humanities value .

  13. 潮汕工夫茶,已成为当前研究潮汕文化项目之一。

    Gongfu Cha in the Chaozhou-Shantou , Chaozhou and current research has become a cultural one .