
cháo jiě
  • deliquesce;deliquescence;air-slake
潮解 [cháo jiě]
  • [deliquescence] 因空气中水分含量大而使固体物质溶解的一种现象

潮解[cháo jiě]
  1. 纯净的氯化钠是不易潮解的(戴维·佩吉)乙炔清净工序废次氯酸钠的循环利用

    " Pure chloride of sodium is not liable to deliquesce "( David Page ) . The recycle of waste sodium hypochlorite coming from the purification process of acetylene

  2. 小麦中PH3抗性害虫的熏蒸试验磷化氢膜下自然潮解环流与常规熏蒸比较试验

    Phosphine fumigation of resistant insects in wheat comparative test of phosphine fumigation between recirculation under film and non-recirculation

  3. 本文研究了YBaCuO系超导体的潮解特性。

    This paper studies the deliquescent behaviours of Y Ba Cu O system superconductors .

  4. AlP低剂量动态潮解膜下环流熏蒸技术研究

    ALP low dosage recirculation fumigation under film through ph_3 dynamic deliquescence

  5. CsB3O5晶体潮解机理及防潮研究

    Study on the Hygroscopic Mechanism and Moisture-Proof Protection of CsB_3O_5 Crystal

  6. 为潮解抛光KDP晶体技术的进一步深入研究奠定了基础。

    The study will be the basis for the further study of the deliquescence polishing technology of KDP crystal .

  7. 针对气密性较差的钢筋砼立筒仓,选择了AlP自然潮解环流熏蒸和PH3与CO2混合环流熏蒸两种技术。

    Natural AlP deliquescence and PH 3 mixed with CO 2 circulation fumigations were chosen directly against the poor airtight in reinforced concrete silos .

  8. 分析并揭示TiB2-BN复相导电陶瓷发生潮解的原因;在模拟工况条件下考察试样的热疲劳问题。

    The thermal fatigue problems of sample under the imitation operating mode condition were analysed .

  9. 掺Ce硅酸钆(Ce:Gd_2SiO_5)晶体具有发光效率高,响应速度快、不潮解、抗辐照和耐高温等优异性能,是一种综合性能好,具有实际应用价值的闪烁晶体。

    Ce-doped Gd_2SiO_5 ( GSO : Ce ) is a promising scintillation crystal with superior properties for the practical use . GSO : Ce is a typical fast , high density , nonhydroscopic , radiation hardness material .

  10. 从理论上对基于潮解作用的KDP晶体抛光过程进行了分析,研究了基于潮解作用的KDP晶体抛光中主要因素对抛光过程的影响。

    The polishing process of KDP crystal based on deliquescent action is analyzed theoretically , and the effect of main parameters in polishing on polishing process is studied .

  11. 磷化氢膜下自然潮解环流与常规熏蒸比较试验

    Comparative test of phosphine fumigation between recirculation under film and non-recirculation

  12. 一种安全实用的磷化氢环流熏蒸施药方法&动态潮解法

    Dynamic deliquescence : a safe and applicable method in PHOSPHINE RECIRCULATION FUMIGATION

  13. 说明:硝酸铈溶于水,在潮湿空气中易潮解。

    Description : Cerium Nitrate is soluble in water and absorb moisture in wet air .

  14. 本文研究了温度和空气相对湿度对黑药的吸湿与潮解的影响。

    The paper studies the influence of temperature and relative humidity on moisture absorption and deliquescence .

  15. 引起测值波动的主要起因是超细氮化铝粉的氧化和潮解特性。

    The deviation of the values measured mainly caused by the oxidation and deliquescence of ultrafine AlN .

  16. 磷化氢动态潮解法是配合环流熏蒸使用的一种施药方法,可用于平房仓、浅圆仓、立筒仓等仓型。

    Phosphine dynamic deliquescence has been used for recirculation fumigation in warehouses , squat silo and silo .

  17. 有潮解性。溶于水和酸;不溶于乙醇乙醚和丙酮。加热至熔点即分解。

    It resolves in water and acid but alcohol , and resolves when temperature comes to melting point .

  18. 结果革除文献中用到的有毒溶剂苯,以硼氢化钾替代了价格贵且易潮解的硼氢化钠,降低了成本;

    Results Poisonous benzene was changed into chloroform and the expensive sodium borohydride was replaced with potassium borohydride .

  19. 在上述三种压缩空气干燥设备中,潮解式压缩空气干燥机已基本淘汰;

    In the above three compressed air drying equipment , deliquescence type compressed air dryer has been basically eliminated ;

  20. 介绍了敌敌畏与磷化铝混合粮面施药、自然潮解环流熏蒸试验。

    The experiment of recirculation fumigation and natural deliquescence of dichlorvos and aluminium phosphide mixed with grain powder is introduced .

  21. 防止中药固体制剂吸湿潮解的方法主要有制粒工艺改进和采用包衣工艺。

    The methods of preventing hygroscopicity of Chinese medicine solid preparations mainly are improving granulation process and using coating process .

  22. 材料具有很好的稳定性和抗潮解性,已用其加工制成微波谐振腔。

    The material is of excellent anti-deliquescence and stability , and now is being used to fabricate microwave resonant cavity .

  23. 形状颜色特性:白色粉末,不溶于水,易溶于无机酸,极易潮解,应置于密封器内。

    DESCRIPTION : white powder , insoluble in water , soluble in mineral acids , It should be kept in sealed containers .

  24. 本实用新型具有洗衣粉倾倒量易调整、防止潮解、仿滑及使用方便的优点。

    The utility model has the advantages of easy adjustment of pour amount of washing powder , prevention of deliquescence , anti-slip and convenience of use .

  25. 黑药的吸湿与潮解,在很大的程度上决定着炮弹或装有黑药元件的使用可靠性和储存寿命。

    The service reliability and the storage lifetime of ammunition or component filled black powder depend on moisture absorption and deliquescence of black powder to a great extent .

  26. 性状:兰绿色单斜结晶,容于水、甘油,不容于乙醇,有腐蚀性,潮解风化。

    Characteristic : Blue green monocline crystallization , dissolve it in water , glycerin , does not allow it in the ethanol , There is corrosive , deliquescence in weathered .

  27. 对活性石灰进行部分钝化反应,其抗压强度和抗潮解性能有明显的提高,活性有所下降。

    By partial carbonation of active lime , its pressure resistance and deliquescence proof capability can be prominently improved and in the meanwhile , its activity is lowered to some extent .