
  • 网络tidal cycle
  1. 潮汐周期循环对层化作用产生一定的影响。

    The tidal cycle has effect on the stratification .

  2. 潮汐周期在潮坪沉积中的记录

    Tidal Cycles Recorded in Tidal-flat Deposits

  3. 通过小波变换和经验模分解变换的方法,从原位观测时间序列中解析出潮汐周期。

    The tidal period is decomposed from the in-situ observation time series through wavelet transform analysis and empirical mode decomposition .

  4. 百年尺度潮坪层序层偶的保存率仅为0.74%,99.26%的潮汐周期由于侵蚀或无沉积而没有纹层保存下来,形成间断。

    Couplet preservation rate is 0 74 % on centennial scale , and 99 26 % of tidal cycles have no laminations left because of non deposition and erosion .

  5. 甚至在古代,人们就知道在月球和潮汐的周期性变化之间,存在一定关系。

    That there is a relationship of some kind between the moon and the rhythm of the tides was known even in ancient times .

  6. 潮汐电站月周期优化调度模型及其应用

    Optimum model for month-term operation of tidal power station and its application

  7. 计算结果表明,潮汐作用使轨道周期较小的Ba星系统的能量减小,所以系统轨道的半长轴和轨道偏心率减小;

    The results show that tidal friction diminishes the total energy of binaries systems with shorter orbital periods .

  8. 现代潮坪观测表明潮汐沉积可以记录潮汐能量呈周期性变化的特性,因此,可通过研究保存较完整的潮汐韵律层的层偶组成来提取古潮汐信息。

    Modern tidal-flat observation shows that tidal deposits can continuously record the periodicities of tidal energy , so paleo-tidal cycles can be extracted from couplet-thickness variation of well-developed tidal rhythmites .

  9. 3砂坪相,发育透镜状层理,压扁层理和小型斜交层理,在一些砂岩中也常见由于潮汐作用形成的双面粘土层和潮汐作用产生的周期层序。

    Sandy flat sub facies , with lenticular , flaser and small inclined beddings , often with double-layer clay and tidal cycle of sedimentary sequence form - ed by tidal action .