
  • 网络Teochew cuisine;Chaozhou cuisine;Chaozhou Food
  1. 鱼露是潮州菜常用的调味料。

    Fish sauce is a commonly used seasoning in Teochew cuisine .

  2. 潮州菜源于潮州,已有数千年的历史。

    Chaozhou Cuisine comes of Chaozhou , a few thousand years of history .

  3. 我们去了佳宁娜潮州菜(carriannachiuchow),先要了一些潮州风味点心,如清蒸咸肉萝卜糕,油炸辣肉糯米团和蒸虾蛟。

    At carrianna Chiu Chow restaurant we started with a few Chiu chow-style dim sum such as steamed turnip cake with preserved meat , deep-fried glutinous dumpling with spicy meat and steamed shrimp dumpling .

  4. 汕头是很美的,它以手工艺品和潮州菜闻名于世。

    Shantou is charming , famous for its handicrafts and Chaozhou food .

  5. 作为美食家,到香港至少要吃一回潮州菜,否则就不圆满。潮州菜是广东省汕头一带的地方菜。

    No foodie visit to Hong Kong would be complete without eating at least one Chiu Chow meal , a regional style of cooking from around the Swatow district of eastern Guangdong province .