
  • 网络hakka;Hakka cuisine
  1. 就像客家方言一样,客家菜也处处体现着与北方内陆地区的密切关系。

    Like its dialect , the Hakka cuisine has traces of their connection to the landlocked north .

  2. 本餐厅主要有粤菜,包括潮汕菜和客家菜。

    Our restaurant mainly serves Cantonese cuisine , including Chaozhou , Shantou and Hakka dishes .

  3. 客家菜里的盐焗鸡已经被纳入经典粤菜。

    Its salt-roasted chicken has been incorporated into Cantonese cuisine as a standard .

  4. 地道的东江客家菜吗?

    To eat authentic Dongjiang Hakka food ?

  5. 可是在我这个外人眼中,客家菜也正因此才变得引人注目。

    For an outsider like me , it is in this area that Hakka food stands out .

  6. 品尝客家菜,会让你想起母亲的味道,一道道菜就像是母亲为远游归来的孩子烹饪的美食。

    It reminds one of the kind of food a mother cooks for her child who is visiting after a long absence from home .

  7. 客家菜对于肉的重视证明了,在困难时期,肉是奢侈品,只有在很重要场合才能吃到。

    The emphasis on meat could be a testament to hard times when meat was a luxury and reserved for only the rarest of occasions .

  8. 风味独特的客家菜广受食客欢迎,其香、浓、鲜的特点一直为食家称道。

    With distinctive flavour , Hakka dishes enjoy great popularity , featuring a characteristic of being dulcet , rich and fresh well praised by gastronomists .

  9. 在中国的各色菜系中,客家菜不是最有卖相的,但是其味道绝不输给任何菜系。

    It may not be the best-looking cuisine in the vast array of Chinese gastronomy , but it is surely a strong contender for the best tasting .

  10. 当然,必点此菜也是实在没有其他的太好吃的时蔬可点了,这也是客家菜的通病了。

    Of course , the food here will also have no other vegetables when it 's too delicious to the point , which is a common problem of Hakka dishes .